Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Simple and Delicious Green Beans Recipe


    This is a really quick and delicious way to cook green beans.  My youngest son who is autistic doesn’t really care for green beans but if I cook them this way, he loves them.  He said just plain green beans are boring but these have so much flavor.  


    Combine all the ingredients in a large sauce pan.  Heat over medium heat for 15 minutes.  Serve and enjoy!

     Be sure to check out my recipe for green beans and potatoes and my complete chicken dinner cooked in a crock pot.

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Monday, November 29, 2021

Homemade Brown Gravy Dry Mix

I am sure about everyone has seen packets of brown gravy dry mix at the store.  Today I am showing you how to make your own.  It is easy to do and very economical also.  On top of that, it tastes so much better too.


    • ¾ c. all-purpose flour or cornstarch
    • 3 T. beef bouillon granules
    • ½ tsp. pepper
    • ½ tsp. onion powder
    • ½ tsp. garlic powder

       Mix up all ingredients and store in a Ziploc baggie or small canning jar until ready to use.  Can be stored up to 6 months.

          To make gravy, measure out 3 tablespoons of the mix and place into a small saucepan.  Whisk in 1 ½ cups of water and bring to a boil over medium heat, whisking often.  Bring to a boil and then simmer 1 minute to allow the gravy to thicken.

         Prepared, this gravy will serve 4 and will have about 15 carbs per serving. 


            Serve over some homemade mashed potatoes or homemade slice of bread


    I also make a lovely chicken gravy dry mix

“A” is for Autism, Color Block Painting by Autistic Painter

         This is a painting by my youngest son who is 100% disabled caused due to autism.  He does many different styles of painting, but hi...