Farm Life

Adopting and raising dwarf rabbits
Our new chicks
New Coop & Outside Adventures
Our starting flock
Our new pig
Garden:  Update
Name that Flower
Green beans & Tomatoes
How to harvest Radish seeds
Our 1st Fertilized Eggs
Farm life: Pics
Pumpkins:  Treats for our farm animals
Baby Nigerian Goat
New additions to our homestead
Compassion & Butchering
Mail order chicks:  Red Rangers
Red Rangers:  Part two
Harvesting Blackberries
New Chicken Coop
Pitching In
Spring Time
Poor Bubba, again
Winter weather predicting with Persimmons
Farm Animals 2
Pending birth on the farm
2014 Goals for our Homestead
Babies on the Brain
Quail Eggs
We have ducklings
Baby Chicks
Coturnix Quail
Ducks Update
Freedom Ranger chicks
Poultry update
New baby goat on the homestead 2015
Update on Chloe
Animals on our Homestead
Baby Turkeys
Animals on our Homestead 2017

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  1. I just found this blog a couple days ago. I love it. My husband and our four children ages 9-4 are making plans to move to WV in the spring, where he is fromm out in the country. I am so excited and love reading ur blog to give me ideas how to make things as simple as can be for us all. Thanks for the time and knowledge that u put into this . Crystal Linville, Eminence Ky

    1. Crystal, I am so glad that you stopped by. I think it is wonderful and exciting about your upcoming move. If you have any questions ever, please let me know and I'll try my best to answer them.


“A” is for Autism, Color Block Painting by Autistic Painter

         This is a painting by my youngest son who is 100% disabled caused due to autism.  He does many different styles of painting, but hi...