Saturday, January 20, 2018

How (and why) to Dehydrate Aloe Vera

      Because Aloe Vera is so great to have on hand and can be used for so many ways, I wanted a way to preserve it.  By drying it and turning it into a powder, I can use it in a variety of ways and store it for long time usage.  Also, dehydrated Aloe Vera powder is believed to boast the highest concentration of the nutrients present in the plant.

How and why to dehydrate aloe vera, aloe vera survival first aid, how to dehydrate and juice the aloe vera plant, how to dry aloe vera leaves, aloe vera leaf powder, the ultimate aloe vera guide,

     Aloe Vera is a tremendously useful plant.  The juice inside of the Aloe Vera plant is great for easing the pain from burns; soothes bug bites and it makes a great moisturizer.  It might sound weird but Aloe Vera is also considered to be a super food.  It contains amino acids, minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium), vitamins (A, C, E, B1, B2, B6, and B12), fatty acids, and enzymes.  It is also high in fiber. 

      When dehydrating the Aloe Vera plant, keep in mind that it takes a LONG time to dry (2-3 days) but it is super easy to do.  If you don't grow your own Aloe Vera, you can generally pick up a giant leaf at your local grocery store.  I purchased the above leaf (almost 3 feet long) for just 69 cents at our local grocer.  They can generally be found in the produce section.  
     The first step is to wash the leaf thoroughly.  Next, you will need to peel off the outer layers (the rind) of each leaf.  The rind is thick and green.  I use a paring knife for this part.

      Once you have the outer layer off, wash it thoroughly.  The yellow juice from the rind has a laxative effect and can also deplete your body of potassium so just be sure to wash and rewash the leaf before continuing.

      Once you have it rinsed, cut this outer layer into manageable sized pieces that are all about the same size (so they dry evenly) and place the pieces onto your dehydrator trays.  Be sure to place them on the tray slimy side up.

      Next, cut up or scoop up the pulpy part of the Aloe Vera leaf and place them pulp side up on your dehydrator trays.

  Turn on your dehydrator to 135 degrees.  It will probably take the rind about 12 hours to dry but the pulpy part can take 48-56 hours to completely dry.  You know the pulp is ready when it turns to a crumbly white powder or will be super dry and brittle, depending on how thick you put the aloe on the trays.

      Once all pieces are completely dry, put them into a blender or a food processor and pulse them until they turn into a fine powder.  Store them in vacuum sealed bags or in sealed mason jars.

     To use, just rehydrate the powder by adding 1 teaspoon of water to each 3 tablespoons of powder.  Place the water and powder into a small, shallow bowl and stir; allow to sit for 5-7 minutes, until it turns to gel form.

      If you are wanting to use the powder in food or beverages, then don't rehydrate, just add a teaspoon or more directly into the food/drink and stir well.  It can also be added in powder form into a smoothie or juice for body cleansing purposes.

     Our family uses the reconstituted gel as a toothpaste.  It does a great job and is a great option if you have sensitive teeth like I do.  It also reduces inflammation in my gums.

    Pregnant women and children under the age of 18 should not eat/drink Aloe Vera.  Pregnant women should avoid it during pregnancy because it can increase the risk of contractions and also because Aloe Vera can lower blood glucose levels (the same reason children should not use it either). My hubby and I are both diabetic and use Aloe Vera to lower our blood glucose levels.  It does seem to help. 

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  1. Great post! I love using aloe vera for cuts and burns. I didn't know it could be dried for other uses. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you Ann. I hope you'll drop back by again real soon.

  2. Hello, I wish you had posted pics of the process. I thought one would "carve" the inside (pulpy flesh) out with a spoon, but peeling the leaf? I'll try it this week, but I just can't visualize it. Thanks for the info.

    1. I will go in this weekend and add in more pictures of the process but I have found the way I stated to be the best way to do it. Peeling off the leaf like you would peel a potato is the way that works best (I have found).

  3. How interesting! I had no idea you could dehydrate aloe vera. I do like having the plant handy for burns and soothing and such. Thank you for sharing this past week at our Encouraging Hearts & Home blog hop!

    1. I am so glad you found my post interesting Linda and thankful you allowed me to join up on your blog hop!

  4. This is a great tutorial for dehydrating Aloe Vera! Hope you are having a great day and thanks so much for sharing your awesome post with us at Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon
    Miz Helen

    1. Oh, thank you so much. I appreciate you allowing me to link up with your great blog.

  5. There is nothing like fresh aloe, thanks for sharing on Homestead Blog Hop!

  6. This is EXACTLY the information I was looking for! Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. You are very welcome and I'm glad you found the information useful.

  7. It was very informative post. Thanks

    1. I am glad you found it informative and thank you for stopping by!

  8. Really Awesome Blog Thanks for Sharing...

    1. You're very welcome! Hope to see you again here real soon.

  9. I was able to find good advice from your articles.

  10. Can you do it another way if you don't have a dehydrator?

  11. Where do you get a dehydrator

    1. You can buy one at Walmart or on Amazon. My first dehydrator was only $35 and it lasted me many years. No need for a real big expensive one at first, in my opinion.

  12. Great source of information. Almost every question I had was answered simply. Only 1 question: if i already have a piece of aloe from a dying aloe plant, can i still use it and with your drying process although the inside is already dried out?

    1. Glad you found the information useful. Yes, you sure can. It might not have as much pulp inside but you will be able to get some from it!

  13. If i am using a oven how long to I leave it for?


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