Monday, May 7, 2012

Homemade Bread in an Hour

        I remember growing up and watching my mother bake bread.  She didn't do it very often but when she did, the whole house smelled great.  One reason she did not bake bread often (I assume) is because it was a LOT of work.  I remember her kneading the dough, letting it rise for an hour, punching it down, letting it rise again, forming into loaves and rising again before she baked them.  Whew!  I'm tired just writing about it.

artisan bread, back-to-basics, bread recipe, Easy recipe, frugal living, homemade bread, homemade bread in an hour, simple bread recipe

     I make bread at least 4 times a week at my home (usually 5-6 times).  I suffer from MS and I homeschool my children so I don't have a lot of time to spare nor the energy to do much.  How do I do it?  I can make a 2 loaves of bread--from start to finish--in one hour.  Yep, you heard me and you can too.
Here is how:

5 1/4 c. flour
4 T. sugar
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/2 T. oil
2 c. hot water

1 pkg. quick active yeast (I use Red Star Quick-Rise Yeast)
1/2 tsp. sugar
1/4 c. warm water (not too hot or you'll ruin the yeast)

        Pour the contents of the yeast into a small cereal bowl.  Add the 1/2 tsp. of sugar and the 1/4 c. of warm water.  Let it sit undisturbed for 10 minutes. 

         As the yeast is activating, mix together the flour, sugar, and salt in a large bowl that you have sprayed with non-stick cooking spray.  By the way, you can use any type of flour you want:  whole wheat, bread, or all-purpose.  You can even use a combination of flours.  I use just all-purpose because that is what I have on hand.  Then stir in the oil.

       If the yeast is about ready, stir the hot water in with the dry ingredients and then add in the yeast mixture.  The dough will be sticky. 

frugal living, homemade bread, simple bread recipe, homemade bread in an hour, bread recipe, artisan bread
The dough before kneading 

       Stir well and then pour out onto a sprayed surface and begin to knead.  I always spray my hands with cooking spray also.  If the dough is too sticky, just put some flour on the table surface and your hands and mix in just a little at a time.  Knead the dough about 7-10 times.

artisan bread, back-to-basics, bread recipe, Easy recipe, frugal living, homemade bread, homemade bread in an hour, simple bread recipe

     Divide the dough into two loaves.  I sometimes do two artisan style loaves and sometimes I do one "loaf" and one artisan style.

artisan bread, back-to-basics, bread recipe, Easy recipe, frugal living, homemade bread, homemade bread in an hour, simple bread recipe

 Divide up and place in a warm place for 25 minutes.  What I usually do is set my oven to "warm" when I start gathering my ingredients and turn it off right before I put the dough in to rise.  Be sure to cover the loaves with a hand towel. 

    After 25 minutes the loaves should have risen nicely.

artisan bread, back-to-basics, bread recipe, Easy recipe, frugal living, homemade bread, homemade bread in an hour, simple bread recipe

 Now just remove the loaves and set them on top of the stove top and preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Let it preheat just 5 minutes and then put the loaves into cook. 

     Let them bake for 20 minutes then take a stick of butter and rub it over the top of the loaves and put back in the oven for 5 more minutes.  Remove, butter the tops again and enjoy!

    Wasn't that easy? 

frugal living, homemade bread, simple bread recipe, homemade bread in an hour, bread recipe, artisan bread
My artisan style loaf

artisan bread, back-to-basics, bread recipe, Easy recipe, frugal living, homemade bread, homemade bread in an hour, simple bread recipe

Be sure to check out my recipe for whole wheat bread that is baked in your crock pot or slow cooker.

This Homemade Bread goes great with so many things, such as:  Smoke Sausage & Radiatore Soup, a good Meatloaf,  or even some Creamy Pork Chops.


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  1. i will definitely be trying this!!

  2. Good. I'm sure it will turn out fine. It is the only recipe I use now. Let me know...

  3. Thank you Ashley. It is how I do it all the time and it tastes delicious. Hope you get a chance to try it out and let me know how it turns out for you.

  4. Oh my! That looks amazing. Love how quick it is too. Yum.

    Thanks for sharing at Thrifty Thursday!

    1. Anna, thank you so much for the comments and for allowing me to link up with you. This bread really is this easy and tastes so good.

  5. What a great post!
    I sometimes forget how simple bread-making really can be.

    Thanks for linking up with us at Homemakers Challenge!

    1. Laurie, thank you for allowing me to link up with you too.

  6. I love making bread but I always try it the "old-fashioned" way that takes four hours (but I always do other stuff while it's rising so it's really not that bad!). But I will definitely be giving this a try! Thanks!

    1. Jamie, thank you for your comments and for stopping by. Hope you will come back again to read future posts!

  7. I have to try this!!! I've been making the whole wheat bread from the Reinhart whole wheat breads book, and though it tastes great, bit also takes 2 days to make!!! And I love how you said your recipe can use any type of flour - being able to make a whole wheat loaf for less than store-bought is high on my priority list!

    1. Miranda, please let me know how it turns out for you!

  8. NEAT!!! Please come to our DIYLinky at!

    1. Deanna, I linked up with you this past week and plan on doing so again. Thank you!

  9. Wow! This sure beats my breadmaker bread at over 3 hours! I will definitely be trying it out! :-) Thanks so much for linking up with Try a New Recipe Tuesday!

    1. Lisa, I know what you mean. Once I figured this all out, I use no other recipe but this one. Since it is so easy to make (and tastes so delicious), I have no problem making it for my family on a regular basis. Let me know if you try it out and how it turns out for you.

  10. We love homemade bread! And doing it in an hour?! Well, I gotta try this!! Thanks for sharing

    1. Alecia, that is why I can make it so often for my family is because it only takes a short amount of time to make. Hope you try it out soon and let me know what you think!

  11. I cheat. My husband bought me a bread machine. I make about 4-5 loaves a week depending on how often the guys will be here for lunch. You are so right, makes the house smell amazing :)

  12. I've just recently started making my own bread and to make it in an hour sounds amazing. Thanks!

    1. Tiffany, I hope you try out my method! Let me know how it goes!

  13. Found you via Flock Together blog hop. Chocolate covered bacon recipe? I think I will have to check that out!

    1. Becca, Glad you found me! Chocolate covered bacon is amazing. Hope you take the chance and try it!

  14. Whaaat?? No way! I definitely have to try this!

    I'm pinning this for the near future, and thanks for linking up at Tiny Tip Tuesday! Hope to see you again next week! :)

    1. Sarah, thank you for allowing me to link up with you. I will definitely do so again. Hope you have a chance to try this!

  15. Hi,
    I have a bread maker, but have never used it. I might try this out. Thanks for sharing. God bless you! Following now from flock together.

    1. This way is a LOT faster than a bread machine. I went and followed you back!

  16. Daisy, love how you do product reviews. I plan on doing one this week. I followed you back! I appreciate you stopping by!

  17. Looks delicious! I made some french bread this way awhile back and I need to do it again!

  18. This bread looks so tasty!! Thanks for sharing with us at The Becoming Kitchen!

    1. Julie, I appreciate you all allowing me to link up with you!

  19. Wow...and I thought making bread was HARD! LOL (Visiting from Beholding Glory link-up.)

  20. your bread looks wonderful. I was just wondering what the texture is like. Is it crispy on the outside and light in the middle? Or is it pretty dense? That is a great tip for helping the dough rise. Does the cloth on top need to be wet when you do that? I am stopping by from the flock together blog hop. I am a new follower. Hope to see you at True Aim. Thanks for sharing your recipe!

    1. Janine,
      The outside is crispy and it depends on how much you knead it whether it is a heavy bread or light. I know how to knead so I make it light but my friend can only get it to turn out heavy. Still tastes great though. No, I do not use a wet cloth, just a dish towel or clean t-shirt. I am glad you stopped by and hope you will do so again. Heading over to True Aim now to check it out!

  21. Oh, I do love bread!! I don't make yeast bread enough.. but I do make a pretty mean beer bread quite often. YUM

    Thanks for linking up!

  22. Thanks for sharing your bread recipe with us at Cast Party Wednesday. I showed you off on facebook today!
    ---Sheryl @ Lady Behind The Curtain---

    1. Sheryl, thank you so much for putting me on your FB page. I truly appreciate it. I love linking up with you and will continue to do so!

  23. Okay...I am going to definitely try this! I love to make homemade bread and do it when I can. Your bread looked so delish! Thank you for sharing this recipe at WJIM. Have a blessed day!

    1. I hope you do try it. It turns out great every time and so fast and easy to make. As always, a blessing linking up with you.

    2. I just wanted you to know I am featuring you this week at WJIM. Check it out tomorrow. Have a blessed week.

  24. Awesome. I bookmarked this and can't wait to try it. Hard to believe it can be done in an hour. Usually it's a good three hour deal. Thank you for being willing to share the recipe.


    1. Pamela, I know it is hard to believe but I do it all the time. One reason I love it so much and why I share it so much. Bread is so easy, fast, and delicious. Don't know why anyone would do it any other way! :-) Heading to your blog now. Thank you for stopping by!

  25. I can't wait to try your recipe! Our family loves bread! I usually make a couple loafs of sour dough bread each week.

    1. Kristin, glad you stopped by and hope you like the recipe once you try it. Heading to your blog now!

  26. This is awesome!

    I would love for you to link this to my Flaunt It Friday link party! Also, follow my new blog Blissful Bucket List! :)

    1. Great. Thanks for telling me about it. I sure will!

  27. I will be trying this out today!!! Fresh bread for Hubby's Father's Day Dinner Yummmmmy!

    1. Hi! Did you go ahead and make this? I would love to know how everyone liked it! Thanks for stopping by!

  28. I can't wait to try this since we love fresh baked bread, just not how long it usually takes. Now I just need to get some quick rise yeast. Thanks so much for sharing on Tout It Tuesday!

    1. Hope you try it soon! I appreciate you stopping by!

  29. I have got to try this! I love having homemade bread, but usually don't like the actual making it part. :-) I'd be thrilled if you would link this up to my current link party so everyone can see how easy it is!

    1. Jessi,
      I hope you do try it. It will more than likely become your go-to recipe for homemade bread from now on! Heading to your blog now. Thanks!

  30. Wow - this looks like something I can ACTUALLY do! Most bread making recipes scare me (maybe it's the yeast thing?) Thank you for sharing the recipe, but most of all making it feel 'do-able'. I've put the yeast you mentioned on my grocery list!

    1. Lori, I am so glad you stopped by. Let me know when you try it out!

  31. Wow - I am going to try this today! Sounds yummy!!! Hopping over from Wise Woman. Blessings from Zagreb - A Little R & R

    1. Rosalind, just went to your blog and became a follower. Thank you for stopping by and do hope you will let me know how you like your bread after you make it!

  32. Oh I like this recipe. I make a lot of soda bread for the very same is quick and fast! Going to give this one a try. I admire you for your dedication to your family and your home....blessings all over you!

    1. Christine, I would love for you to share your soda bread recipe sometime if you care to.
      Bless you,

  33. I love the taste of homemade bread, but you're right, it's a TON of work. This will help me out a ton! Thanks for sharing. I am officially your newest follower! Yay for being blog friends! :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I went and "Follow"ed you back. Love your recipe for homemade Twix ( Gonna try this out soon!

  34. You know I have yet to make my own bread?! This looks so easy! I will try it. I've pinned this to my bread board. Thanks for linking to Foodtastic Friday!

    1. I am so glad you stopped by and I really encourage you to try this recipe. It is so quick and easy and I know you can do it!
      Thank you,

  35. Yum! They sound great - and so easy!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

    1. Jill,
      I always like linking up with you. Have a great weekend.

  36. Welcome to Full Plate Thursday!
    There is really nothing better than homemade bread and your recipe looks delicious. I can almost smell it coming out of the oven. Hope you are having a great week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen
    A New Follower

    1. Miz Helen, thank you for stopping by and becoming a follower. I really appreciate it and your weekly link up.

  37. Hi:)

    I have NEVER made homemade bread before, but would love to try your recipe. What did you use to bake your bread in? Could I use a loaf pan as well? Let me know. I just happened to buy some yeast last week...don't know why...maybe God knew I would be finding your blog this week...well, no maybe about it...He know ALL things:)

    1. I make my bread in normal bread pans or I shape them myself into rounded loaves like shown above. When I shape them myself, I just put it on a cookie sheet and bake.
      I am glad God sent you my way!

  38. This recipe looks great and so much easier than a traditional bread recipe. Thank you for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday Linky Party.

    1. Kelly, thanks for stopping by. It really is easy. Have you had a chance to try it out yet?

  39. I love making homemade bread! This recipe sounds so quick and easy! Thanks for linking up at Foodie Friends Friday!

    Robyn from

    1. Robyn, I appreciate you stopping by. Heading to your page now to follow you. Hope you will follow back!

  40. Hey, great recipe. It is very close to the one I use. Great minds think alike I suppose.

    Garrett @TheGrowingPatch

  41. I love this! New follower here. Please come share at my weekly Farm Girl Blog Fest.

    I would love to see you there!
    Fresh Eggs Daily

    1. Thank you so much, Lisa. I appreciate it. I will come to your blog in just a sec!

  42. I am definitely trying out your method this week. Thanks for sharing it. I am hosting a giveaway on Dining With Debbie during the month of Merry, Marry Munchies. There are two giveaways, actually: (1) $50 gift certificate to my favorite jeweler, and (2) a signed copy of Kat Robinson's new book, Arkansas Pie: A Slice of the Natural State. I would love for you to enter and win one of these. Be sure to enter through rafflecopter.

    1. Debbie, thanks for letting me know about it. Heading your way next. I will link up with you too.

  43. A great recipe! Thanks for sharing at Foodie Friends Friday!

  44. I just made this tonight! I used all wheat flour and couldn't even really knead it b/c the baby was fussing up a storm and it came out great!

    1. Jen, I am so glad that it turned out for you and I appreciate you letting me know. :-)

  45. I am making this recipe this week! Thank you for linking up to the brand new Hearts for Home Blog Hop!

    1. I would love to hear back after you make it and see how you all liked it.

  46. As a retired homeschool mom (my kids are all career adults now!) and a sufferer of auto immune issues, I totally understand about energy and so on. Thanks for sharing. I love to bake bread and it takes about 3-4 hours from start to finish. I will be trying this!!
    Thanks for sharing with us at "In and Out of the Kitchen Link Up Party" with Feeding Big.

    1. Dawn, thank you for stopping by. Since you are an experienced homeschooler, my son is going into high school and I am trying to start a portfolio to make getting into college easier. Any suggestions or tips?

  47. We have a few things in common. I to suffer from medical problems, I have Lupus and Fibro, and I homeschool my daughter as well. I also make all of my families bread each week. Thank you so much for sharing with Saturday Spotlight. Have a great week and come back soon!

    1. April, I am sorry you suffer from these diseases. It is a tough life but I can tell you are strong. :-)

  48. I tried it today. My bread was kind of dense but the outside was perfectly crispy. It was honestly a tad too salty for me but I'm not a salt fan. Other than that, it's a great recipe for when you need to make bread *quick*! :) Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thanks for letting me know how you liked it. I am sure if you tweak it to suit your taste better it can become a favorite of yours. Thanks for stopping by!

  49. I make a sandwich bread every week for my family but I love to use the bread machine :) I tried a wheat bread from scratch and my biggest problem was the timing to get everything done. We are soon moving to more then one loaf a week but I try to stretch it so that it lasts... I actually need to make one right now instead of surfing your blog but this is way more fun. I will have to try your recipe soon!!

  50. I make bread the old-fashioned way and have for years. With eight children it's the only economical way to feed them. I actually enjoy kneading the bread - the rhythm, the feel, the time to think. I also enjoy trying new bread recipes. I'm going to try this one for those times when I don't have four hours to wait. :)

  51. Pretty good right?


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