
       Melody uses her blog to share her recipes, tips, tricks,and experiences about everything from family life, parenting, marriage,canning, baking, sustainability, prepping, homeschooling and living the simple life. She is an imperfect mother of three and grandmother to two. Her husband is her rock, her best friend and her soul mate. They share a very secluded 40 acre farm in SE Oklahoma with their two young sons and a plethora of farm animals.  It is family land and we only own a small portion of it but are blessed enough to be able to roam the whole lot.  :-)
       Melody is a graduate practical nurse and holds a Master's Degree in Education, a Bachelor’s Degree in Digital Design. Her husband has an Associate’s Degree in Electronics and his Bachelor and Master Degrees are both in Information Technology. Melody is a cook extraordinaire and her husband is a “jack-of-all trades and master of none”. We try to run our lives and our blogs the same way by being Christ-centered, family loving, and self-sustaining.

    As seen on "Extreme Cheapskates" 2013!

My most POPULAR post: How a family of 4 can live off of $1300 a month
My most viewed RECIPE:  Homemade Bread in ONE hour
Living with MS

Featured on the following blogs:
Nature's Nurture
The Becoming Kitchen
It's a Blog Party
Little Natural Cottage
Becoming Lydia
Countrified Hicks has been featured on:

Extreme Cheapskates (2013)
Enid News & Eagle

If you would like to feature Countrified Hicks, please send an email to: 
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  1. tracy.rose@healthline.comOctober 24, 2012 at 2:42 PM

    Hi Melody,

    Healthline is interested in contributing a guest post to We would be open to contributing any blog that would be of interest to your readers. Healthline bloggers have been featured on a variety of sites including:

    Washington Times:
    Natural News:

    Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your consideration.

    Warm Regards,

    1. Tracy, I am sorry I never seen this post. If you still want to do this, leave a message here and I will get back to you right away.

  2. Tracy, thank you for stopping by and I would gladly welcome you all as a guest post.
    Thank you,

  3. Hi Melody, I saw your blog listed on BloggyMoms and the OKC prep group. You've got a great site. I look forward to following you via facebook.

    1. Thank you so much. I truly appreciate all of my followers. If there is anything you want to see, just let me know.

  4. Hi Melody,
    Thanks so much for inviting me to link up. I was delighted to see that you're a homeschooling momma :) I graduated my last daughter after 17 years, and lived to write a book about it -- Joy in the Journey ~ Encouragement for Homeschooling Moms. I'd love to send you a free download code for the ebook as an encouragement to you. If you'll email me with your email address, I'll get it right out to you. loriahatcher (at)

  5. Lori, I will definitely check out your book. The offer for a free ebook is amazing. I will email you right away. Thank you so much!!!

  6. Hi Melody,

    Thanks so much for visiting our Facebook page "The Business of Home" I appreciate it! We are just getting our page off the ground so to speak, and are in the midst of creating our website as well. I would be interested in contributing a guest post. I love to write, and have been a regular columnist for a local monthly newspaper publication (hardcopy & online) called "The Valley Newspaper" ( I write two columns monthly called: "Contentment Quest" about the journey of finding contentment in life with what we have (the stuff that is right before our eyes), and "Savvy Cents & Sensibility" about saving money while increasing value and benefit. In addition, I published my first book in October 2013 with Westbow Press (a division of Thomas Nelson Publishing) called "An Arduous Ascent: The Climb of a Lifetime" The book is a synergy of a memoir/devotional/workbook regarding pinnacles and pitfalls experienced in life as we learn and grow towards our fullest potential. The book was published under my maiden name - JoAnn Wills. If you'd like, I can send you a "book stub" that allows for a free download of my book for you to peruse. My personal email is I look forward to hearing from you! JoAnn M. Kline, "The Business of Home."

    1. JoAnne, I just emailed you and would LOVE for you to write a guest post. Since you are just starting out, if you need any help or tips, etc. feel free to ask. I am more than willing to help out if I can.

  7. Gosh Melody, I had no idea you were an Okie and a SEOK Okie at that! The family land you live on may be near of adjacent to my family land down there! :) As I often say, "My people are from Little Dixie". So nice to meet you!

    1. So do you still live in Oklahoma Kelli? I'm down near Talihina.

  8. Hi. I've seen you on an episode of Extreme Cheapskates some time back. I'm based in Southern California and have heard that a couple of people from the show are from here as well. I would like to know if the email on your bio is still accurate. Thank you.

  9. Replies
    1. Nothing really. I've been reaching out to however many of the Cheapskates as possible just to see if they're still around. Though I would like to enquire about you doing a point-by-point analysis of your E.C. episode (I've heard you were interviewed by a local news station soon following).


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