Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Fabulous Baked Lemon Shrimp

    This is an old stand-by shrimp recipe.  My husband LOVES it.  He has had fresh shrimp that was caught and cooked immediately (when he was in the USMC) that he always raved about.  Once he tasted mine, he said mine is even better.  (And mine is made from frozen shrimp.)  If you like shrimp, I encourage you to try my recipe.

Fabulous Baked Lemon Shrimp

  1 stick of butter
1 lemon
1 serving (or envelope) Italian seasoning mix

  Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and then melt the butter.  Next, slice the lemon up into thin slices. 
  Take a jelly roll pan and pour the melted butter into the pan.  Lay the lemon slices on top of the butter.  
  Now, lay the shrimp on top of the lemon slices and butter and then sprinkle on the Italian seasoning over the top of it all. 

 Bake for 15 minutes and enjoy.  

     Be expecting to make this your "go-to" recipe for shrimp after just one taste!

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This recipe was shared on the following blogs:
Carole's Chatter

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Homemade Marshmallows

     My husband loves marshmallows.  If he opens a bag of mini-marshmallows, you can be sure the bag will be empty before he stops.  He just can't help himself so when I found out you could make marshmallows at home, I just had to try it.

Homemade Marshmallows
 2 c. sugar
2/3 c. light corn syrup
1/2 c. cold water
1/4 c. water
3 envelopes of Knox gelatine
1 T. vanilla
1/2 tsp. salt
powdered sugar

homemade marshmallows, how to make marshmallows at home, DIY recipes, uses for gelatin, knox gelatine, frugal recipe,

           In a large mixing bowl, add the cold water and then sprinkle the 3 envelopes of gelatin in.  Let rest for 8 minutes.  While it is at rest, place the sugar, corn syrup, and 1/4 c. of water in a small pot and bring it to a boil over medium heat. 

homemade marshmallows, how to make marshmallows at home, DIY recipes, uses for gelatin, knox gelatine, frugal recipe,

 Once it has come to a boil, pour it into the mixing bowl and mix it all together at high speed.  

homemade marshmallows, how to make marshmallows at home, DIY recipes, uses for gelatin, knox gelatine, frugal recipe,

Add in the salt and now beat for 12 1/2 minutes.  Stir in the vanilla gently.  
    Next, butter a regular sized cake pan and then pour the marshmallow mixture into it. 

Spread it out nice and pretty and place into the refrigerator or set it on the counter top overnight. 
homemade marshmallows, how to make marshmallows at home, DIY recipes, uses for gelatin, knox gelatine, frugal recipe,

 Once it is set, cut into squares and sprinkle with powdered sugar. 

     These come out so succulent and delicious.  You won't believe the taste!

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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

MS (Multiple Sclerosis), Not my Friend

  It has been a bit since I've written about my MS.  Main reason, it is just not a fun subject!  :-(  Besides, with the cooler weather, I had been experiencing a few months of relief but it has come back with a vengeance the past few days.  Some people's MS gets worse in the winter but mine usually improves.  We have experienced a really warm winter of late, today it is in the mid-60's here, so maybe that has triggered it.
      Yesterday I had the "freaking" out stuff.  All sensations and noises seemed to be amplified.  I was scared and had to have my hubby near me all day.  I get to the point that I am almost panicking and I hate that feeling because usually, I am such a strong person.
     Today, those feelings are better but I am having serious eye issues.  My right eye is just not cooperating with me.  It is seeming to "lag behind" the other eye.  It is having spasms and feels "saggy" too.  It is more annoying than anything.
    One of the hardest parts of MS is people just don't understand the disease.  Like when I am on edge, people tell me "it's okay, just relax" but it is not that simple.  Or they say "my friend (or aunt, etc.) had MS and they didn't have that symptom, are you sure you have MS?"  Yes, I am sure and so is the doctor.  :-)  MS has pages of symptoms and it is never the same for two people.  Depression is something that comes with it also and we have no control over the feelings we get.  Be sympathetic and supportive please.

    If you would like to read more about my MS, here is another post.

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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Homemade "TV" Dinners

   Today I am going to share with you another one of my frugal tips on what to do with your leftovers.  I often do freezer meals and do them in a large cake pan.  Our family does not eat like it used to and often, we may have over a half of a cake pan leftover.  Sure, we may grab a bit for a late night snack or eat it for lunch the next day but that is it.  Instead of wasting it, I put it in a divided container with some vegetables and freeze it for a homemade "TV" type dinner.
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   This works out great.  If you have one or two pieces of chicken left-over or just a bit of meatloaf, put it in the tray, add a side dish and freeze.  Now if you ever need it, there are nutritional, single-sized meals that just need to be microwaved.  So much cheaper and better than the TV dinners you can buy and there is no waste.  Another idea is pack one in your husband's lunch instead of a sandwich!

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Friday, January 11, 2013

How to save money

    Recently, I received an email from a follower who needed some money saving ideas.  Many of them I have posted before but came up with some more and decided to post here for everyone.  If you have an idea that is not here, please leave a comment.  Let's help each other save some money.

  • Try to limit your driving. Your hubby driving to work is a necessity but if you need to drop off mail, go to the library, pay a bill, or go to the grocery store, have him do these things on the way to work or on the way home to limit your gas usage.
  • Also, NEVER buy from a convenience store. Plan ahead so you don't have to buy overpriced items there.
  • If you or your hubby buy fountain drinks, coffee, etc. stop. Pack a thermos. Buy a 2 liter of soda and fill up a cup with ice and pop from home. If you can, cut soda out of your diet. Drink iced tea, coffee, etc. A lot cheaper.
  • For snacks, instead of microwave popcorn, buy a bag of unpopped popcorn and cook it on the stove. A bag is a dollar and can make TONS of popcorn with it. 
  • Try to go to the grocery store once a month or every 2 weeks. The more you go to the grocery store, the more you end up buying. Make a list and stick to the list. Don't splurge shop. Eat before you go and look only for items on your list. 
  • Instead of buying cookies, buy some chocolate chips or peanut butter and make your own.
  • If you really are struggling, cut off the cable and cell phones. Get a straighttalk phone and plan from wal-mart. $30 for 1000 minutes or $45 a month for unlimited.
  • To lower your water bills, drink from the same glass all day long and wash it only at night (instead of using a different one all day). Some families only flush after a bowel movement and close the lid at all times. 
  • Wash clothes only when they are truly dirty. If they are a bit musty, throw them in the dryer with a dryer sheet for 15 minutes to freshen them.  Or in the warmer months, wash your laundry outside and hang on the line to dry like we do here
  • Check your dryer often. Don't overdry the clothes and waste electricity.
  • If you use a dishwasher, turn it off before the end heat cycle and let the dishes dry naturally to save electricity.
  • Make your own dishwasher soap, fabric softener and laundry soap. This saves a LOT of money.
  • Instead of buying boxed mac and cheese, rice-a-roni, etc. Buy rice or pasta and make it yourself. You get a lot more for your money and it tastes better too.
  • Make your own bread and pizza's instead of ordering out or buying frozen.  Tastes so much better!
  • Use freecyle. If you need a dresser, clothes, or whatever, post to freecycle what you need and see if you can get it free first. You'd be surprised.
  • If you have stuff to sale, take it to a consignment store or even better, post it online on Facebook at your local "garage sale" page. For example, for my area "Talihina yard sale page, or Leflore Country yard sale page". You can sell about anything. Your jeans that don't fit anymore and you get more than you would at a consignment shop or garage sale generally.
  • Buy generic. Check labels and if it is the same, buy it cheaper. Check wal-mart's 88 cent aisle for cheap meds. They have alcohol, aspirin, ibuprofen, cold meds, etc. for 88 cents. Ask pharmacy people to direct you to them.
  • Instead of your hubby buying lunch, send him a lunch to work. It doesn't have to be just a sandwich. Get creative. Most employers have a refrigerator and microwave so you can send just about anything. Add a little love note in with it to really brighten his day!
  • Buy bagged potatoes and use for side dishes instead of box items. Make french fries, baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, etc. It is more work but you get a lot more for your money. Also, if potatoes or onions are on sale, put them in panty hose and put them in your closet. They can save like that for up to 9 months.

    • That is how you do the onions and potatoes. Tie a knot between each one and cut off one when you need it. I tie 3-4 potatoes together though instead of individually. Also, if you buy a green pepper or onion and you don't use it all, dice it up and freeze it in a baggie for next time so you have no waste.
    • Cutting down on sodas and eating out will save you the most. Before you buy anything, ask yourself if you really need it or if you have to eat out, do you need a $8 meal or can you buy a $1 burger from McD's to hold you over until you get home. Or hey, your kids want a bag of Doritos. They cost $4.00. Is it worth $4 or say "hey, let's buy a bag potatoes (for french fries) and a pound of hamburger meat and we can have hamburgers and french fries for the same cost". When I am out and think about buying a fountain soda, I always ask myself, what else could I use that $2 for? Makes you really reconsider purchases.
    • As far as clothes, shoes, etc. buy used when you can or get it free from freecycle. Shop 2nd hand stores, etc.
        Here are a few more posts to help you:

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    Wednesday, January 2, 2013

    French Toast Casserole

       One of my hubby's all time breakfast favorites is my French Toast Casserole.  He absolutely loves it.  It is simple to make and really tastes great.  I made it for him recently and decided to share with you all how I make it.

    French Toast Casserole
     12 slices of bread
    4 eggs
    1 1/2 c. milk
    1/4 c. sugar
    1/4 tsp. salt
    1 1/2 tsp. vanilla
    2 T. butter
    3 tsp. cinnamon
    1 tsp. nutmeg
     Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.  Melt your butter and pour it into a cake pan to coat the bottom.  Line the bottom of the pan with the slices of bread.

     Now, in a large bowl, mix together the eggs, milk, sugar, salt and vanilla.  Lay 6 pieces of bread in the bottom of the pan.  Pour over the bread and let sit about 5 minutes to soak in.  Then lay 6 more pieces of bread on top and pour the rest of the milk mixture on top.

    French toast casserole, how to make french toast, great breakfast food, breakfast recipe, easy breakfast, ideas

     Finally, sprinkle the cinnamon and nutmeg over the top.  Bake for 40 minutes. 

    French toast casserole, how to make french toast, great breakfast food, breakfast recipe, easy breakfast, ideas

    This French Toast Casserole goes great with a cup of Countrified French Vanilla Coffee!

    Be sure to top these pancakes with some Easy & Delicious Homemade Pancake Syrup.  Everything it takes to make the syrup are already in your pantry. 

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    “A” is for Autism, Color Block Painting by Autistic Painter

             This is a painting by my youngest son who is 100% disabled caused due to autism.  He does many different styles of painting, but hi...