Saturday, May 5, 2012

Homemade Rice-a-roni Recipe

Homemade Rice-A-Roni Recipe

frugal living, home cooking, homemade, homemade rice-a-roni, recipe, recipes, rice-a-roni recipe

¾ c. rice
½ c. angel hair, vermicelli, or spaghetti
2 T. margarine
1 can chicken broth
1 tsp. dried parsley flakes
1 ½ tsp. onion powder
 ½ tsp. garlic powder
¼ tsp. poultry seasoning (or use same amount of thyme)
1 tsp. seasoning salt
1/ tsp. pepper

     First, break your spaghetti or other pasta up into small pieces.

homemade, recipe, recipes, homemade rice-a-roni, rice-a-roni recipe

 In a medium skillet sauté broken pasta pieces in the margarine.  

homemade, recipe, recipes, homemade rice-a-roni, rice-a-roni recipe

Once it is beginning to brown, stir in the rice and cook 2 minutes more. 

homemade, recipe, recipes, homemade rice-a-roni, rice-a-roni recipe

Dissolve the bouillon in the broth and then pour it in with the rice.  Stir in the spices.  Bring to a boil and then turn to low and cover and simmer 15 minutes.

       This homemade rice-a-roni would go great with my Soy & Garlic Chicken!
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  1. This sounds like a much healthier alternative to Rice-a-Roni. I'm thinking it could be adapted for a handy homeschool lunch! :-)

    1. Judy, thank you for your comments. We homeschool too and our boys love having this for lunch or as a side dish to a meal!

  2. I agree with Judy! Not only does it seem much healthier than the boxed alternative, it looks like something I could get them to help make (always good for a home-ec homeschool lesson, lol). This is definitely going on our to-make list! Thanks so much for linking up with Try a New Recipe Tuesday! Many blessings to you!

    1. Lisa,
      Have you had a chance to try out the recipe yet? I would love to know if you and your family liked it or not. I linked up with you again this week. Thank you for the honor!

  3. I have always wanted an homemade version. Thanks so much for sharing your recipe at The Gathering Spot. Hope you link up again this week. Have a wonderful week. Diane

    1. Diane, Thank you for allowing me to link up with you. I linked up again this week!

  4. Hmmm I have to try this! I love Rice-a-roni, but it's sooo expensive! And doesn't make very much! Thanks!

    1. Breana, that is exactly why we use this recipe. My teenage son can eat a box of Rice-a-roni on his own. It was only smart to do this instead! :-)

  5. Yummy! I'm a new blog follower from a blog hop, it would be great if you stopped on by and followed me at

  6. This sounds really good. I love rice side dishes, and this sounds easy to make so it's a winner for me!

    1. Great. I hope you and your family likes it.

  7. Sounds so yummy! Thanks for linking up with us at The Becoming Kitchen!!

    1. Julie, thank you for allowing me to link up with you!

  8. Wow! This looks awesome! I can't wait to try it. Thanks so much for linking up with "Try a New Recipe Tuesday!" I hope you will be able to join us again this week. :-)

    1. Thank you, Lisa. I always love stopping by your blog and linking up with you!!!

  9. Last time I tried to fake Rice-a-Roni my husband told me I shouldn't mess with a good thing, I should just make the boxed stuff. I made this and he genuinely could not tell it wasn't boxed. High praise :) Also my seven-year-old was a great help breaking up the noodles. Fun!

    1. I am so glad to hear this and like that you let your daughter help out. Making dinner and making memories!


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