Friday, February 17, 2017

Chocolate Cobbler

        I came up with this recipe to make something special for my family for Valentine's Day.  It was such a huge hit that we have made it two times after so far.  It is so decadent and delicious and pairs perfectly with a scoop of vanilla ice cream

Chocolate Cobbler

1 3/4 c. sugar
1 1/2 c. boiling water
1 c. flour
1 c. mini chocolate chips
1/2 c. whole milk
6 T. unsweetened cocoa powder
6 T. melted butter
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 tsp. salt

       Begin by preheating your oven to 350 degrees.  Pour your melted butter into an 8"x8" square cake pan.  Now in a medium sized bowl, stir together 3/4 cups of your sugar, the flour, milk, baking powder, salt and just 2 T. of your cocoa powder.  After it is stirred well, pour this mixture over the butter.  

chocolate cobbler, chocolate sauce, chocolate pudding, homemade desserts, old fashioned chocolate cobbler recipe, what is chocolate cobbler

     It is okay to leave it like it looks above.  You don't have to stir it together or anything.  It will turn out correctly like this.  Now, in another medium sized bowl, mix together the 1 cup of sugar that remains, along with the mini chocolate chips and the remaining 4 Tablespoons of cocoa powder.  After it is mixed together, just kind of sprinkle this all over the butter and cocoa mixture in the pan.

chocolate cobbler, chocolate sauce, chocolate pudding, homemade desserts, old fashioned chocolate cobbler recipe, what is chocolate cobbler

     Now, just slowly pour the boiling water over the top of the cobbler.  You do not need to stir or anything, just be sure the water has kind of dampened the top well.  Now slowly and gently place the pan in the oven for exactly 28 minutes.  When you remove it from the oven, you will see a LOT of liquid and question whether it is done or not but please trust me and remove it from the oven and set it on a level area. 

chocolate cobbler, chocolate sauce, chocolate pudding, homemade desserts, old fashioned chocolate cobbler recipe, what is chocolate cobbler

 We do NOT allow it to cool before we begin scooping it up.  Use a large serving spoon and dip up some of the cobbler and the sauce.  You can eat it like this and it starts off being a chocolate sauce but as you eat it, the sauce thickens into a luxurious chocolate pudding that will set your taste buds alive.  

chocolate cobbler, chocolate sauce, chocolate pudding, homemade desserts, old fashioned chocolate cobbler recipe, what is chocolate cobbler

    Now if you want a real treat top it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and you will drool and your mouth will water over how good the flavors meld together.  Enjoy!

chocolate cobbler, chocolate sauce, chocolate pudding, homemade desserts, old fashioned chocolate cobbler recipe, what is chocolate cobbler

I also have shared recipes for Italian Cannolis and Rich, Decadent Caramel Brownies.
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Saturday, February 11, 2017

Super Loop de Loop Train set

    Great toy for your little ones.  The Super Loop de Loop Train set is so much fun.  My grandsons love it.

Super Loop de loop train set

Super Loop de loop train set

Find it here.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Dehydrating Sweet Mini Peppers

      These sweet mini peppers are so delicious.  I could eat them as they are but I love cooking with them also.  To be able to use them throughout the year, I always dry mine in the dehydrator for future use.  They preserve nicely and rehydrate beautifully.  Drying peppers give them a very LONG shelf life.

dehydrating peppers, drying and storing fresh peppers, Preserving the harvest, sun dried mini sweet peppers, sweet peppers

    Not only do they taste good and add a nice texture, flavor and color to your foods, they are also full of vitamins (which dehydrating does not diminish), they also have disease fighting properties.  Did you know that just a half cup of sweet peppers contain almost double your recommended daily dose of Vitamin C?  Well, it's true!  They also have a lot of your B vitamins, Vitamin A, Potassium, Folic acid and Fiber!

      To dehydrate, wash each pepper and cut off the ends.  Then slice the peppers and remove the seeds and place the pepper slices on your dehydrator tray.

dehydrating peppers, drying and storing fresh peppers, Preserving the harvest, sun dried mini sweet peppers, sweet peppers

      Turn on your dehydrator to 145-155 degrees and dehydrate for 48 hours.  It takes a long time to dehydrate them but once dried, store them in a sealed mason jar and they can stay preserved this way for YEARS!

      To use, if you are using in a dish like stew or soup, just toss them in and they will cook up as a normal fresh pepper will.   If you want to rehydrate them for a salad or other use, soak them in hot water for about 20 minutes and they will be ready to use.

      Peppers are great sprinkled in salads, omelets, pizzas, dips, soups, stews, stir-fry and pasta!  Or make some sweet pepper relish.

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Sunday, February 5, 2017

Pumpkin Pie Recipe

     I know when one thinks of Pumpkin Pie they generally think of Thanksgiving but I believe a good Pumpkin Pie can be served (and eaten) any time of  the year!

      Pumpkin Pie

 15 oz. can pumpkin
2 lg. eggs
2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. nutmeg
1/2 tsp. ginger
1/2 tsp. ground cloves

        Mix together the pumpkin and sweetened condensed milk.
Pumpkin pie from scratch, pumpkin pie with condensed milk, traditional pumpkin pie, canned pumpkin recipe, perfect pumpkin pie

    Now add in the eggs and all of the spices.

Pumpkin pie from scratch, pumpkin pie with condensed milk, traditional pumpkin pie, canned pumpkin recipe, perfect pumpkin pie

       Stir well.  My pie filling is darker than most because I use the spices really well.  I have won numerous contests with this pie and every one always state that mine taste so much more flavorful than others.

Pumpkin pie from scratch, pumpkin pie with condensed milk, traditional pumpkin pie, canned pumpkin recipe, perfect pumpkin pie

     Now pour the pie filling into a pie crust.  

Pumpkin pie from scratch, pumpkin pie with condensed milk, traditional pumpkin pie, canned pumpkin recipe, perfect pumpkin pie


    Now place the pie in a preheated 425 degree oven for 15 minutes.  After 15 minutes, turn the oven down to 350 degrees and cook another 45 minutes.  Remove when done (stick a toothpick into the middle and if it comes out clean, it is done.  If not, allow to cook 3-5 more minutes).  

     It is perfect on its own but you can raise it up a notch by topping it with some
Homemade Whipped Cream Topping. 

Two other really good pie recipes I have are my Pumpkin Supreme Pie and my Chocolate Mousse Pie

Chocolate Mousse Pie, canned pumpkin recipe, perfect pumpkin pie, Pumpkin pie from scratch, pumpkin pie with condensed milk, traditional pumpkin pie
Chocolate Mousse Pie

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Thursday, February 2, 2017

Cake-like Brownies

       My family loves brownies.  Usually we eat my brownies that are moist and chewy but occasionally, we crave these cake like brownies.  Both are delicious but it just depends on our mood which we want.


Cake-Like Brownies

2 c. flour
2 c. sugar
1 c. butter
1/2 c. cocoa
4 eggs 
4 tsp. vanilla

    Mix the ingredients together and pour into a 9"x13" pan and bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for about 22 minutes.  You can check to see if it is done if you stick a fork in it and the tines come out clean.

Cake like brownies, brownie recipe, brownie recipe from scratch, homemade brownie recipe, best brownie recipe, cocoa brownie recipe

      As the brownies cool, prepare the icing.  Don't leave out the icing.  The icing totally completes these brownies.


3 c. powdered sugar
1/4 c. butter
1/4 c. milk
1/4 c. cocoa
dash of salt

        Mix all together.  It will be thick and apply it very heavily to the cooled brownies.  So good!

Cake like brownies, brownie recipe, brownie recipe from scratch, homemade brownie recipe, best brownie recipe, cocoa brownie recipe

If you like these brownies and want something a bit more decadent, check out my recipe for Rich and Decadent Chocolate and Caramel Brownies.  

Also, be sure to check out my recipe for Italian Cannolis
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“A” is for Autism, Color Block Painting by Autistic Painter

         This is a painting by my youngest son who is 100% disabled caused due to autism.  He does many different styles of painting, but hi...