Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Dehydrating Sweet Mini Peppers

      These sweet mini peppers are so delicious.  I could eat them as they are but I love cooking with them also.  To be able to use them throughout the year, I always dry mine in the dehydrator for future use.  They preserve nicely and rehydrate beautifully.  Drying peppers give them a very LONG shelf life.

dehydrating peppers, drying and storing fresh peppers, Preserving the harvest, sun dried mini sweet peppers, sweet peppers

    Not only do they taste good and add a nice texture, flavor and color to your foods, they are also full of vitamins (which dehydrating does not diminish), they also have disease fighting properties.  Did you know that just a half cup of sweet peppers contain almost double your recommended daily dose of Vitamin C?  Well, it's true!  They also have a lot of your B vitamins, Vitamin A, Potassium, Folic acid and Fiber!

      To dehydrate, wash each pepper and cut off the ends.  Then slice the peppers and remove the seeds and place the pepper slices on your dehydrator tray.

dehydrating peppers, drying and storing fresh peppers, Preserving the harvest, sun dried mini sweet peppers, sweet peppers

      Turn on your dehydrator to 145-155 degrees and dehydrate for 48 hours.  It takes a long time to dehydrate them but once dried, store them in a sealed mason jar and they can stay preserved this way for YEARS!

      To use, if you are using in a dish like stew or soup, just toss them in and they will cook up as a normal fresh pepper will.   If you want to rehydrate them for a salad or other use, soak them in hot water for about 20 minutes and they will be ready to use.

      Peppers are great sprinkled in salads, omelets, pizzas, dips, soups, stews, stir-fry and pasta!  Or make some sweet pepper relish.

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Five minute Bible lesson

     Here is a great five minute sermon/Bible lesson. It’s really informative and talks about how the book of God can be misused. Be sure to...