Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Puppet Making

    Puppet Making!  Doesn't this sound fun?  Well, we can honestly say, it was a blast.  I even made one.  What kind of fun crafts do you make with your children?

Puppets, puppet making, homeschool craft, homeschooling,
Ronny and his creation.

Puppets, puppet making, homeschool craft, homeschooling,
Conner and his creation.

Puppets, puppet making, homeschool craft, homeschooling,
Brandon and his creation. (Kind of got that deer-in-the-headlights look going on.)

Puppets, puppet making, homeschool craft, homeschooling,
Me & my puppet!

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  1. Those are too cute! That looks like an awesome rainy afternoon project, too. Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. WE LOVE PUPPETS!! Even though most of my children are older now, we still love doing puppet shows with the puppets we've acquired (and made) over the years.

    Thanks for linking up today.


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