Friday, December 14, 2018

Our 2018 Homestead Goals...How did we do?

   This year is almost over with.  My how the time has flown.  It seems like I just barely created my goals for the year and now the year is almost gone.  I just went over our goals for 2018 and wanted to see how we did.  Fair, not great, but perhaps next year we will do better.

becoming self-sufficient, goal setting for homesteaders, Homestead goals, our homestead goals in 2018, setting homestead farm goals

To put in the hours.

     I think we did pretty good here.  Bub got where he was waking up an hour earlier than usual since it gets dark so early now.  Ron really put in the hours too.  

Eat from our freezers and pantry.

      We ate a LOT more this year from our freezers and pantry so a job well done here. 

Garden plans.

      We put in a lot of hours in the garden this year and really reaped the benefits from it.  

becoming self-sufficient, goal setting for homesteaders, Homestead goals, our homestead goals in 2018, setting homestead farm goals
Just a few of the vegetables we were able to harvest from our garden this year.

Building updates.

     Ron was able to build a lean-to off of our existing building.  It is nice and allows us a new place to store hay and other items.

      Ron also built me a new porch.  Before I just had a set of 5 wooden steps straight out of the front door.  Now I have a beautiful 9'x16' porch to enjoy.  
      Bub and Ron both constructed new feeders for all the goats.
      Ron built Elsa and the girls a new goat house.
      Bub started making some new mineral block holders and has 2 done so far. 
      Ron built a winter cover for the well pump housing. 

becoming self-sufficient, goal setting for homesteaders, Homestead goals, our homestead goals in 2018, setting homestead farm goals
One of the feeders that Bub made for our goats.


    We did not add any new animals to our homestead but have 6 of our goats have been bred and all are due in mid-March.

Food preservation.

     I did not get any canning done do to my heart issues this year but did do a lot of dehdyrating.

How about you?  Did you complete your 2018 Homestead goals?  

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  1. No, I have not met hardly any of our goals for the year. Maybe next year will be better.

  2. Wow you got a lot done, I didn't make a list this past year but 2019 here we come. You have a very good day. God Bless

  3. Thanks! I hope we both have a great next year!


Five minute Bible lesson

     Here is a great five minute sermon/Bible lesson. It’s really informative and talks about how the book of God can be misused. Be sure to...