Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 Goals for our Homestead

   Two thousand and thirteen was a good year but I have big plans for 2014.  I hope we can accomplish a lot.  My goals for our homestead for 2014 are:
  1. to get a better harvest from our garden
  2. acquire more solar panels
  3. acquire some dairy goats
  4. learn to make goat cheese (once we get the goats)
  5. dehydrate and can even more this year
  6. hatch more chicks to increase our flock
  7. get more ducks and raise for meat and eggs
  8. get more rabbits and start meat production
  9. increase amount of fodder we grow
  10. finish the windmill 
  11. add more fruit trees to the property
      Goals for my blog are to do more giveaways this year and continue writing posts that engage and entertain my followers. 
    What are your goals for your homestead or life?

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  1. I would like to raise a couple of pigs this year and build a chicken tractor.

    1. Those are great goals! Thanks for sharing and for stopping by.

  2. Hi Melody! I am glad to see you back in action! I know you have been under the weather and I hope you are feeling better!
    As a fellow farmer and prepper I really enjoy your posts. my husband and I have a 100 acre farm in Western NC and we used to have a commercial dairy but now we raise steers and corn silage. I also garden, can, freeze etc so we can be as self-sustaining as possible
    I look forward to your posts for 2014 and hope you have a blessed year! Rose.

    1. Rose, thank you for checking in with me. I am much better. I hope you have great luck with your steers and corn silage in 2014!

  3. Sounds like you've got some great goals for the year! We're getting ducks this year for the first time!

    1. Gretchen, hope you all have great success with your ducks!


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