Monday, March 30, 2020

The Perfect Wacky Cake Recipe: No Eggs, No Milk, No Butter No Problem

     This cake is perfect for the things we are all going through right now.  This calls for no eggs, no milk, and no butter!  How wonderful is that?!  This cake actually dates back to the depression era when things were scarce.  But don't let that deter you about the taste.  This cake bakes up super moist and stills tastes good.  This is absolutely my husband's favorite cake!

The Perfect Wacky Cake Recipe: No Eggs, No Milk, No Butter No Problem

3 c. all-purpose flour
2 c. sugar
3/4 c. cocoa
3/4 c. oil +1T
2 tsp. baking soda
2 tsp. vanilla
2 T. apple cider vinegar
1 tsp. salt

       Preheat Your oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl, stir together the flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda and salt.  Now, make three little "wells" or depressions into the mixture.  Into one of the "wells", put in the oil,  into another put the vanilla, and into the third put the vinegar.  Slowly pour in 2 cups of water and then stir.  You don't want to beat the batter, a good stirring is good enough.  

      Pour the mixture into a ungreased 9" x13" cake pan and bake for 35 minutes.  Be sure Not to overcook the cake because if you overbake it, the cake will come out dry.  When inserting a toothpick to check for doneness, the toothpick can come out with a bit of "goo" and that is perfect.  You just don't want it to have raw cake batter on it.  If you cook it until there is nothing on the toothpick then it will be too dry, so just watch the cake carefully the last few minutes.

Wacky cake recipe, crazy cake recipe, wacky chocolate cake recipe, Depression era cake, depression era recipe, chocolate crazy cake, Vegan chocolate cake, vinegar cake, easy vegan chocolate cake,

      This cake can be eaten as it is with no frosting because it is delicious on its own but if you prefer you can lightly dust the top with powdered sugar or ice it with your favorite icing.

    Be sure to check out my recipe for a White Wacky Cake, Banana Wacky Cake and Apple Cake too.

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  1. Awesome! Think I’ll give this a try soon. Thank you for another awesome post.

    1. You are welcome. And I really appreciate you stopping by my blog.

  2. This looks *so* good! Can't wait to try it. I'm amazed that you have the energy to do all that you do; with a thyroid issue here, it's hard to have the ability to move forward and do fun things like this sometimes. Thanks for your inspiration!

    1. Thank you! I don't do much of the actual cooking anymore. My husband and oldest son are my legs and hands. I direct them and they do all the mixing, baking, etc. for me. I am very blessed to have their help or else I couldn't do it at all.


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