Thursday, December 27, 2018

Top Posts of 2018

     2018 was a nice year.  I had a LOT of health issues with my heart so I did not blog as often as I needed to but was pleased with the recipes that I was able to come up with.  This year, all but one post was a recipe.  That makes me proud. 

      Just click on the name of any recipe or post I have here and it will direct you to my blog post.  Enjoy!

     The #1 viewed post that I made this year is "How to Dehydrate Aloe Vera".  In the original post, I explain how to dehydrate Aloe Vera and why you should try it too.   This post was viewed over 10,000 times in the first 30 days I had it up!  

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Dehydrating Aloe Vera

     The 2nd most viewed recipe for this year is my Classic Sheet Cake recipe.  It is the same recipe I have used for over 20 years.   

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Classic Sheet Cake Recipe

    The 3rd most viewed post of 2018 is my post on How to make Perfect Mashed Potatoes Every Time.  Our family loves mashed potatoes.  I used to think there was not such a thing as bad mashed potatoes but have found out, that sadly is not true.  I have tasted super dry mashed potatoes; soupy mashed potatoes; bland mashed potatoes, gummy mashed potatoes, etc.  Today, I am going to teach you how to make perfect mashed potatoes every time.  My techniques will show you how to whip up a batch in no time that turn out fluffy, light and buttery!

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How to Cook Perfect Mashed Potatoes Every Time

    #4 on the list is my blog post that I really opened up and poured out my soul is "Letting Go".  It is very emotional and I hope you will read it and understand.

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Letting Go!

     Next up in line would be my post:  35 of the Most Frugal Tips.  It is a collection of the best frugal tips that I know.  

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My Most Frugal Tips all in one spot!

#6 is my post on Cooking Ground Beef in the Crock Pot.  In the post, I show you my technique that works for us. 

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Cooking Ground Beef in the Crock Pot

    #7 was on my first attempt to Cook Asparagus and it turned out nicely.

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Oven Roasted Asparagus

   #8 is a really refreshing drink my Lemonade Freeze.  I could easily make this every day.  It is that good!

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Lemonade Freeze

   The next recipe is one of my FAVORITES... STEAK FINGERS WITH COUNTRY GRAVY!  (Excuse me while I wipe my mouth from drooling!)   

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Steak Fingers with Country Gravy...MMMM!

    And the 10th most viewed post of the year was my recipe for my Blue-Ribbon Winning Baked Beans.  

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Blue Ribbon Winning Baked Beans


     My most popular post of ALL time would be my post on Frugal Living which has been viewed over 100,000 times.  

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Frugal Living

    The #1 viewed recipe of ALL time would be Chicken and Rice Soup Mix in a Jar which has been viewed well over 50,000 times.

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Chicken & Rice Soup Mix in a Jar

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Sunday, December 16, 2018

Recipes for the Perfect Christmas Meal

     Christmas is just a few days away so I thought I would share a list of my tried and tested recipes to make your Christmas go smoother.  

Christmas Dinner Recipes, Recipes for the perfect Christmas Meal; traditional Christmas dinner, Christmas Dinner recipe ideas, best Christmas dinner menu ideas

    For Christmas breakfast or brunch, nothing can beat my French Toast Casserole.  It makes a cake pan full of delicious French Toast without all the work of making individual pieces of French Toast

Christmas Dinner Recipes, Recipes for the perfect Christmas Meal; traditional Christmas dinner, Christmas Dinner recipe ideas, best Christmas dinner menu ideas
French Toast Casserole

   Now that breakfast/brunch is over with, it is time to start making your Christmas Dinner.

    We have turkey for Thanksgiving and ham for Christmas so here is my Pineapple Glazed Ham recipe.  This is the recipe we use EVERY single year.  Your ham will turn out moist and so tantalizing that it will be hard to stop eating it, even after you are stuffed.  Everyone who has ever tried my ham begs for the recipe so that is why I am sharing it with y'all today!

Christmas Dinner Recipes, Recipes for the perfect Christmas Meal; traditional Christmas dinner, Christmas Dinner recipe ideas, best Christmas dinner menu ideas
Pineapple Glazed Ham

    We love potatoes and we always serve Homemade Mashed Potatoes for our Christmas Dinner. 

Christmas Dinner Recipes, Recipes for the perfect Christmas Meal; traditional Christmas dinner, Christmas Dinner recipe ideas, best Christmas dinner menu ideas
Homemade Mashed Potatoes

   Another side we serve is my Creamy Corn Casserole.  The corn casserole might not look super pretty but it more than delivers on taste.  It turns out so creamy and is always a favorite no matter when or where you serve it.

Christmas Dinner Recipes, Recipes for the perfect Christmas Meal; traditional Christmas dinner, Christmas Dinner recipe ideas, best Christmas dinner menu ideas
Creamy Corn Casserole
Of course, no meal is complete without some type of bread so I will be serving my Potato Rolls.  They are super simple to make and they turn out light and delicious every single time.

Christmas Dinner Recipes, Recipes for the perfect Christmas Meal; traditional Christmas dinner, Christmas Dinner recipe ideas, best Christmas dinner menu ideas
Potato Rolls

    And to go with the rolls, some delicious Cranberry Chutney.  You won't believe the depth of flavor and how aromatic it is.

Christmas Dinner Recipes, Recipes for the perfect Christmas Meal; traditional Christmas dinner, Christmas Dinner recipe ideas, best Christmas dinner menu ideas
Cranberry Chutney

    We love desserts so we make several different kinds.  This year I am making my Chocolate Chip Pie, my Chocolate Mousse Pie, and some Chunky Chocolate Chip Bars.  Chocolate overload but we wouldn't have it any other way.  

Christmas Dinner Recipes, Recipes for the perfect Christmas Meal; traditional Christmas dinner, Christmas Dinner recipe ideas, best Christmas dinner menu ideas
Chunky Chocolate Chip Bar

     I hope you found this post and my recipes helpful.  I wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas!

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Friday, December 14, 2018

Our 2018 Homestead Goals...How did we do?

   This year is almost over with.  My how the time has flown.  It seems like I just barely created my goals for the year and now the year is almost gone.  I just went over our goals for 2018 and wanted to see how we did.  Fair, not great, but perhaps next year we will do better.

becoming self-sufficient, goal setting for homesteaders, Homestead goals, our homestead goals in 2018, setting homestead farm goals

To put in the hours.

     I think we did pretty good here.  Bub got where he was waking up an hour earlier than usual since it gets dark so early now.  Ron really put in the hours too.  

Eat from our freezers and pantry.

      We ate a LOT more this year from our freezers and pantry so a job well done here. 

Garden plans.

      We put in a lot of hours in the garden this year and really reaped the benefits from it.  

becoming self-sufficient, goal setting for homesteaders, Homestead goals, our homestead goals in 2018, setting homestead farm goals
Just a few of the vegetables we were able to harvest from our garden this year.

Building updates.

     Ron was able to build a lean-to off of our existing building.  It is nice and allows us a new place to store hay and other items.

      Ron also built me a new porch.  Before I just had a set of 5 wooden steps straight out of the front door.  Now I have a beautiful 9'x16' porch to enjoy.  
      Bub and Ron both constructed new feeders for all the goats.
      Ron built Elsa and the girls a new goat house.
      Bub started making some new mineral block holders and has 2 done so far. 
      Ron built a winter cover for the well pump housing. 

becoming self-sufficient, goal setting for homesteaders, Homestead goals, our homestead goals in 2018, setting homestead farm goals
One of the feeders that Bub made for our goats.


    We did not add any new animals to our homestead but have 6 of our goats have been bred and all are due in mid-March.

Food preservation.

     I did not get any canning done do to my heart issues this year but did do a lot of dehdyrating.

How about you?  Did you complete your 2018 Homestead goals?  

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Thursday, December 13, 2018

Gravitt Farm’s 2019 Kidding Schedule

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One of our babies from last year.

     Our 2019 schedule has been planned!  Around September and October is when we breed our goats, so here is our planned 2019 kidding schedule.  Each year we strive to make our herd better and I am hoping we are going to have some awesome kids born here next year!

  • Dainty Girl (Saanen) was bred to Casper (Saanen) on 10/20/2018 and is due on 3/19/2019.  Breeding verified.

2019 goat kidding schedule, kidding schedule, goat farm, baby goats,
This is Dainty Girl with one of her babies from last year.

2019 goat kidding schedule, kidding schedule, goat farm, baby goats,
Casper showing off his beard.

  • Dairy Queen (Saanen) was bred to Casper on 10/20/2018 and is due on 3/19/2019. 

2019 goat kidding schedule, kidding schedule, goat farm, baby goats,
Dairy Queen...this is before she was full grown.

  • Belle (pygmy) was bred to Little Moo (pygmy) on 10/20/2018 and on 10/22/2018 and is due on 3/19/2019.  Breeding verified.

2019 goat kidding schedule, kidding schedule, goat farm, baby goats,

2019 goat kidding schedule, kidding schedule, goat farm, baby goats,
Little Moo having his dinner

  • Daisy Mae (pygmy fainting goat) was exposed to Little Moo on 10/21/2018 and is due on 3/20/2019.

2019 goat kidding schedule, kidding schedule, goat farm, baby goats,
This is Daisy Mae.  She is Brownie's daughter.

  • Brownie (pygmy fainting goat) was exposed to Little Moo on 10/22/2018 and is due on 3/21/2019.  

2019 goat kidding schedule, kidding schedule, goat farm, baby goats,

  • Gracie (pygmy cross) was exposed to Little Moo on 10/22/2018 and is due on 3/21/2019.

2019 goat kidding schedule, kidding schedule, goat farm, baby goats,

    Our breeding priorities are milk production, longevity, temperament, and improvement of the breed.

    If you like this post, please check out our Farm Life page for more posts about life on our homestead.  

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“A” is for Autism, Color Block Painting by Autistic Painter

         This is a painting by my youngest son who is 100% disabled caused due to autism.  He does many different styles of painting, but hi...