Thursday, January 4, 2018

How to Cook the Perfect Baked Sweet Potatoes

    Making the perfect sweet potato is easy if you follow these quick tips.  I used to believe that there was no way to make a bad sweet potato but after eating sweet potatoes at restaurants and some friends' house, I now know that it CAN be done.  I have been making sweet potatoes the following way for years and it's only from trial and error, that I now can make a perfect baked sweet potato every single time by following my steps laid out below.


    The first thing you need to do is clean your sweet potato thoroughly.    Get some foil and tear a sheet large enough to wrap your sweet potato.  After the sweet potato is clean (no dirt remaining on the skin), lay each sweet potato on a piece of foil you tore off previously. 

     Take vegetable oil and coat the outside of the sweet potato thoroughly.  Now sprinkle each sweet potato with salt and then wrap the potato tightly.  You do NOT need to prick the outside of the potato with a fork.  

tips for making the perfect sweet potato, the foolproof way to bake a sweet potato perfectly, best baked sweet potato recipe,

     Place the sweet potatoes into a preheated 425 degree oven.  Place the foiled potatoes directly onto your oven rack.  They do NOT go into a pan first.  Bake for about 45 minutes to an hour or until the potatoes are done.

     This method is nearly foolproof.  The potatoes will come out tender and moist and the skin will NOT be ugly and shriveled up.  The will look beautiful and taste delicious.  

tips for making the perfect sweet potato, the foolproof way to bake a sweet potato perfectly, best baked sweet potato recipe,

    These baked sweet potatoes go great with my Pineapple Glazed Ham or even with a nice Meatloaf!

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  1. I do so love a plain perfectly baked sweet potato. I don't want a bunch of sugar and marshmallows, I want a sweet potato. Am I right?! I've never tried wrapping them in foil. Will do that next time.

    1. That is how I feel too Jean. I hate candied sweet potatoes. Thanks so much for dropping by.


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