Friday, June 27, 2014

Update on Chloe

   For those of you who remember, we had a new baby goat born on our homestead on April 9th.   To refresh your memory, here is the post on her birth and pictures. Chloe is now 2 1/2 months old and my, oh, my, has she grown!

Saanen goat, baby goat eating, life on a farm
She is almost as big as her momma now.

Saanen goat, baby goat eating, life on a farm
I love her little horns.

Saanen goat, baby goat eating, life on a farm
Munching on some fresh leaves and bark that we cut for her to enjoy.

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Five minute Bible lesson

     Here is a great five minute sermon/Bible lesson. It’s really informative and talks about how the book of God can be misused. Be sure to...