Friday, June 20, 2014

Cool Hand Art

   I am always trying to find different art projects and crafts to do with my kids.  Today we decided to do some hand tracing like you would do to make a turkey at Thanksgiving, etc.  Once I traced my hand, I got creative and this is what we did instead.  When you are done, it looks almost like a 3D hand print.  At least, if you are a better artist than I am, it will.

Homeschooling art ideas, how to make a 3D hand, fun art projects for kids
First, just trace around your hand on a plain piece of paper. 

Homeschooling art ideas, how to make a 3D hand, fun art projects for kids
Like this.

Homeschooling art ideas, how to make a 3D hand, fun art projects for kids
Now take a black marker and start putting lines across the page and over the hand. When you reach the tracing of the hand kind of curve the line like the picture shows.

Homeschooling art ideas, how to make a 3D hand, fun art projects for kids
It should look like this when you are done.

Homeschooling art ideas, how to make a 3D hand, fun art projects for kids
Now take one color, your choice, (I used brown) and just color a line right up against the black lines.

Homeschooling art ideas, how to make a 3D hand, fun art projects for kids
Now choose another color and add it to the lines.  You can be sloppy or neat or do thick lines or thin.  Have fun with it.

Homeschooling art ideas, how to make a 3D hand, fun art projects for kids
Keep going and adding colors until you are done and "Poof" magically you end up with a 3D rendition of your hand. 

     Hope you liked seeing how I did it and hope you and your family have fun doing this art project.  :-)

For other great ideas for kids, check out my Kids Summer Bucket List and Handprint Fall Art.

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