Sunday, January 27, 2019

Prayer Chain

   I have decided to start a Prayer Chain here on my page.  God calls us to pray for one another so I am providing a way for you to list your prayers and encourage everyone to come and pray for each request. 

prayer chain, praying for one another, prayer requests, God answers prayers, prayer wall

    As I said before, all you need to do is scroll to the bottom of this post and in the "comments" post your prayer request.  After you list your prayer request, please take time to say a prayer for other people who have posted also.  Comment to them and let them know you prayed for them.  
    Please come back each day or every few days or even once a week and pray for those in need.  Also, once your prayer is answered, come back and give us a praise report.  We would love to hear them.  
    I want to pray for you.  My family wants to pray for you too.  How can we pray for you today?

Sunday, January 20, 2019


Hewing, how-to video, timber framing, do it yourself, DIY

     My oldest son, Bub, loves to work outside and enjoys making things.  He is all about doing things the "old fashioned" way and hates using power tools.  He enjoys it and is quite good at it.  We recently shared Part One of a video that he made on "hewing lumber".  I think you will find it quite enjoyable and learn a lot from him.

    Enjoy it!

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I shared this post with the following blogs and link parties:
To Grandma's House We Go 
Proverbs 31: Homemaking Link up

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Breakfast Pancake Tacos

  Anyone can make plain pancakes but sometimes the kids get bored with just pancakes and that is when we make the protein packed Breakfast Pancake Tacos!   (Okay, to be honest they are just pancakes that have peanut butter smeared on them and then I fold them over like a taco but Ronny thinks it is super cool to eat a breakfast taco so give me the win!)  Shhhh!!!!

Breakfast pancake tacos

    Just make up a batch of pancakes.

Breakfast pancake tacos

    Get some creamy peanut butter.

Breakfast pancake tacos

   Spread a nice thick layer of peanut butter all over a pancake.

Breakfast pancake tacos

   Now just fold your pancake over into the "taco" shape and enjoy!

Breakfast pancake tacos

   Feel free to smear on some jelly or sliced bananas too!

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Saturday, January 12, 2019

Dehydrating Citrus Zest

   I love to bake and often times when I come across a recipe, it will call for some citrus zest and I never have it on hand.  I don't keep lemons or limes laying around much either so I decided to zest some citrus fruits and dehydrate them so I have them on hand whenever I need them.  

how to dry grated orange and lemon zest; how to make dried orange or lemon peel at home; homemade dried lemon zest; dehydrating lime and lemon zest;

   Orange zest and lemon zest are usually used in quick breads and fruit breads.  All the different citrus zests are great for decorating the tops of breads and cakes and adds just the simplest of citrus flavoring that really makes a difference.

how to dry grated orange and lemon zest; how to make dried orange or lemon peel at home; homemade dried lemon zest; dehydrating lime and lemon zest;

    To create your own zest is super simple.  Using a citrus zester or a vegetable peeler, just remove the "skin" of your lemons, limes and oranges.  Stop before you get to the white of the fruit.    

how to dry grated orange and lemon zest; how to make dried orange or lemon peel at home; homemade dried lemon zest; dehydrating lime and lemon zest;

      Place the "zest" onto your dehydrator trays and start the dehydrator.  The zests are ready when they are completely dry and brittle.  It can take about 14-16 hours.    I then place the dried zest into a small mason/canning jar until I am ready to use it.  

   To use, just place the zest into a grinder and grind into a powder or pinch the zest between your fingers to break it up into small pieces.  Add into your dishes as you would fresh zest.  If a recipe calls for the zest of one lemon, lime or orange, just use 1 tsp. of this dehydrated and dried zest. 
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Saturday, January 5, 2019

Top 5 Posts for Last Week

    My top 5 posts for the past week are:

top 5 posts of the week, dehydrating aloe vera, chicken and rice soup mix in a jar, southern boiled cabbage,
Chicken and Rice Soup Mix-in-a-jar

2.  Turkey breast in the crock-pot.

top 5 posts of the week, dehydrating aloe vera, chicken and rice soup mix in a jar, southern boiled cabbage,
Cooking a whole Turkey breast in the crock pot.  

3.  Dehydrating peeps.   I found it kind of strange that this was #3 of the most viewed posts for the week considering it's the first part of January but to each their own. 

top 5 posts of the week, dehydrating aloe vera, chicken and rice soup mix in a jar, southern boiled cabbage,
Southern Boiled Cabbage

5.  How (and why) to dehydrate Aloe Vera.

top 5 posts of the week, dehydrating aloe vera, chicken and rice soup mix in a jar, southern boiled cabbage,
How (and why) to dehydrate Aloe Vera

   Well, there you have it.  Come back next Saturday to see what posts where the stars of this upcoming week!

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“A” is for Autism, Color Block Painting by Autistic Painter

         This is a painting by my youngest son who is 100% disabled caused due to autism.  He does many different styles of painting, but hi...