Sunday, November 25, 2012

Turkey Breast in the Crock-Pot

    With the holidays coming up, I thought I would tell you a simple way to cook a turkey breast in the crock-pot.  This is a great time of year to pick up turkey breasts for a great price and here is a quick and easy way to cook them.

easy way to cook a turkey, Honeysuckle White, how to cook turkey breast in a crock pot, slow cooker turkey breast

Turkey Breast in the Crock-Pot

Turkey breast
1 stick of butter
2 tsp. rosemary
2 tsp. sage
olive oil
2 cans chicken broth
1 1/2 tsp. sea salt
1 tsp. pepper
1 onion (yellow or white)

how to cook turkey breast in a crock pot, slow cooker turkey breast, easy way to cook a turkey, Honeysuckle White,

   First, remove the neck, gizzards, and gravy packet from the turkey, if included.  Rinse your turkey breast inside and out.  Pat dry.  Rub olive oil all over the turkey breast.  Turn on your crock-pot to high.  Spray the inside of the crock-pot with cooking spray and then put the breast inside the crock pot with the breast side down.  
how to cook turkey breast in a crock pot, slow cooker turkey breast, easy way to cook a turkey, Honeysuckle White,
Place it breast side down. 

Pour in the cans of chicken broth.  Sprinkle the breast with all your spices.  Place the stick of butter in the cavity and then peel off a few layers of onions and place on and in the breast.  
how to cook turkey breast in a crock pot, slow cooker turkey breast, easy way to cook a turkey, Honeysuckle White,
Seasoned and ready to cook. 

Cover and cook on high for 4-6 hours.  Remove, slice and enjoy!

easy way to cook a turkey, Honeysuckle White, how to cook turkey breast in a crock pot, slow cooker turkey breast

Serve this Turkey breast along side some homemade mashed potatoes, chicken and noodles, with some 30 minute whole wheat rolls!  YUM!

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Perfect Crock-Pot Roast

    I don't know about you, but one of my favorite meals is Roast, potatoes, and carrots.  Our family likes it so much that we have it once a week, usually for Sunday Lunch.  Growing up, my mother always cooked the roast in the oven but my preferred method is the crock-pot.  I prepare everything and get it on right before we go to bed on Saturday night on low and it is ready for Sunday lunch.

Crock-Pot Roast & Fixin's

 Roast (we prefer rump or arm roasts)    
1 Onion (we prefer yellow or white)
 potatoes (enough for your family)
carrots (enough for your family)
                                  Salt & pepper, to taste                                    
 2 T. Worcestershire sauce
                      1 pkt. brown gravy mix                          

Perfect crock-pot roast, how to cook roast in the crock-pot, how to cook roast in the slow cooker, Sunday dinner ideas, slow cooker meals, crock-pot dinners
Rump roast

Perfect crock-pot roast, how to cook roast in the crock-pot, how to cook roast in the slow cooker, Sunday dinner ideas, slow cooker meals, crock-pot dinners

Perfect crock-pot roast, how to cook roast in the crock-pot, how to cook roast in the slow cooker, Sunday dinner ideas, slow cooker meals, crock-pot dinners

Perfect crock-pot roast, how to cook roast in the crock-pot, how to cook roast in the slow cooker, Sunday dinner ideas, slow cooker meals, crock-pot dinners

 Peel your potatoes and carrots.  As you peel the potatoes, place them in a bowl full of water to prevent them from turning brown.  Slice your potatoes.  We like ours cut into fourths lengthwise but others prefer chunks.  
Perfect crock-pot roast, how to cook roast in the crock-pot, how to cook roast in the slow cooker, Sunday dinner ideas, slow cooker meals, crock-pot dinners

     Now, slice your carrots.  We slice the carrots the same way we do the potatoes.  Place the carrots and potatoes into the crock-pot.  Lightly salt & pepper them.  Add in 1/4 cup water.  Place your roast on top of the vegetables.  Open the gravy packet and pour on top of the roast and then pour the Worcestershire sauce over the gravy.  It is okay if some of the dry gravy remains.  As the roast cooks, it will liquify.  Salt & pepper the roast.  Finally, peel the onion and cut it in half.  Take 3-4 outer layer sections and lay across the roast for flavor.  Put the lid on the crock-pot and cook on low over night (8-10 hours).  I have let mine cook up to 12 hours and it was still perfect.  

    If you like cooking meals in the crock pot, check these out too:  Complete Chicken Dinner in the Crock Pot and  Turkey Breast Cooked in the Crock Pot.

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Monday, November 12, 2012

Handprint Fall Art

    We homeschool. No big surprise there but one great thing we love to do is arts and crafts.  The absolute favorite kind of craft we do that I love the most are the ones done with hand and/or foot prints.  I love looking at them over the years and see how much my boys have grown.

    For this project, we began by tracing out my son's hand, wrist and forearm onto a brown sheet of construction paper.  Then glue the cut-out hand/arm onto a plain piece of white paper.  We just used typing paper.   Then we put a squirt of red, green, and yellow finger paint onto a paper plate and let the kids have fun.  Using their fingertips, they used green to make the grass across the bottom and to make leaves on the trees and falling to the ground.  The did the same process for the leaves with the red and yellow.  I love how the leaves are the fingerprints.  How do you like it?

Handprint Fall art, homeschool craft, homeschool craft ideas, hand-print ideas,
My 8 year old's creation. 

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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Pumpkins: Treats for farm Animals

    Our local grocery store gave us 5 pumpkins the other day so we could feed them to our animals.
can you feed pumpkins to pigs, can you feed pumpkins to chickens, natural pig wormer, pig dewormer, uses for pumpkins,
The 5 free pumpkins we got.
 They were just going to throw them away and they knew we would take them.  Pumpkin is very good to feed to chickens.  They love it and pumpkins are a natural wormer for chickens.

 My boys had fun taking a rubber mallet to the pumpkins to break them up for the chickens.
can you feed pumpkins to pigs, can you feed pumpkins to chickens, natural pig wormer, pig dewormer, uses for pumpkins,
One of the boys about to "whack" the pumpkin. 

can you feed pumpkins to pigs, can you feed pumpkins to chickens, natural pig wormer, pig dewormer, uses for pumpkins,

can you feed pumpkins to pigs, can you feed pumpkins to chickens, natural pig wormer, pig dewormer, uses for pumpkins,
A lot of good "meat" here for our chickens.  

Hubby wanted some of the fun too so he got out a machete and cut 2 of the pumpkins in half for the pigs.
can you feed pumpkins to pigs, can you feed pumpkins to chickens, natural pig wormer, pig dewormer, uses for pumpkins,

can you feed pumpkins to pigs, can you feed pumpkins to chickens, natural pig wormer, pig dewormer, uses for pumpkins,
Here he is positioning the 1st pumpkin "just so".

can you feed pumpkins to pigs, can you feed pumpkins to chickens, natural pig wormer, pig dewormer, uses for pumpkins,
What form!!!

can you feed pumpkins to pigs, can you feed pumpkins to chickens, natural pig wormer, pig dewormer, uses for pumpkins,
I know who to call if I need someone beheaded.  lol

We have 3 pens of chickens and 2 pigs so getting exactly 5 pumpkins really worked out for us.  

can you feed pumpkins to pigs, can you feed pumpkins to chickens, natural pig wormer, pig dewormer, uses for pumpkins, white polish chicken, Cinnamon Queen, , Blue Silkie,
Our Rooster, a white Polish chicken.
can you feed pumpkins to pigs, can you feed pumpkins to chickens, natural pig wormer, pig dewormer, uses for pumpkins, white polish chicken, Cinnamon Queen, , Blue Silkie,
I love her deep red color. 

can you feed pumpkins to pigs, can you feed pumpkins to chickens, natural pig wormer, pig dewormer, uses for pumpkins, white polish chicken, Cinnamon Queen, , Blue Silkie,
Our Blue Silkie, one of our 1st chickens ever. 

can you feed pumpkins to pigs, can you feed pumpkins to chickens, natural pig wormer, pig dewormer, uses for pumpkins, white polish chicken, Cinnamon Queen, , Blue Silkie,

can you feed pumpkins to pigs, can you feed pumpkins to chickens, natural pig wormer, pig dewormer, uses for pumpkins, white polish chicken, Cinnamon Queen, , Blue Silkie,

can you feed pumpkins to pigs, can you feed pumpkins to chickens, natural pig wormer, pig dewormer, uses for pumpkins, white polish chicken, Cinnamon Queen, , Blue Silkie,
"Pork Chop" enjoying his pumpkin.  
 If you have any left over cukes, gourds, squash or pumpkins, give me a call.  We'll gladly take them.  ;-)

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Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Month of Thankfulness

   I started off the month of November by listing each day what I am thankful for.  For example, on

November 1st, I put "Day 1:  Thankful for the Lord and my Salvation.
November 2nd, Day 2:  Thankful for my husband and my two boys.

Thankfulness, Thanksgiving, things to be thankful for, friends, Facebook,
Brandon, Ronald, and Ronny.  

November 3rd, Day 3:   Thankful for the wedding of my dear friend, Lauren and Jerad.   So happy for them.  
Thankfulness, Thanksgiving, things to be thankful for, friends, Facebook,
My friend, Mrs. Lauren Hubbard (the former Lauren Mullins).

November 4th, Day 4:  Thankful for the beautiful Oklahoma weather we are experiencing.  
November 5th, Day 5:  Thankful for Facebook friends.  
Thankfulness, Thanksgiving, things to be thankful for, friends, Facebook,
My FB friend, Dale.  

Thankfulness, Thanksgiving, things to be thankful for, friends, Facebook,
Center is my FB friend, Celia.  The other two are her siblings. 

November 6th, Day 6:  Thankful we live in a country where we have the right to vote.
November 7th, Day 7:  Thankful that my classes are over and I will get my Master's Degree.
November 8th, Day 8:  Thankful for my 2 grandsons.
Thankfulness, Thanksgiving, things to be thankful for, friends, Facebook,

Thankfulness, Thanksgiving, things to be thankful for, friends, Facebook,

November 9, Day 9:  Thankful for pets.  I have had some really wonderful animals over the years and they all have brought great joy to me. 
Facebook, friends, Thankfulness, Thanksgiving, things to be thankful for, Christmas puppies, Pom pups
This is Whitney, my current "baby".  She had a litter of pups recently that will be ready for new homes just in time for Christmas!!!

November 10, Day 10:  Thankful for the USMC.  (Today is the United States Marine Corps birthday).
Facebook, friends, Thankfulness, Thanksgiving, things to be thankful for, 30 days to be thankful, Veteran's Day, USMC birthday, Marine Corp birthday
This is my hubby when he first joined the USMC in the mid-80's.  

November 11, Day 11:  Thankful to all Veterans:  past, present and future.  I appreciate each of you.  Happy Veteran's Day!
November 12, Day 12:  Thankful for my health.  Even though I have Multiple Sclerosis and other health issues, I am still alive and can enjoy life with my family.
November 13, Day 13:  Thankful for puppies.  My sweet Pomeranian, Whitney, had pups awhile back and today they are 4 weeks old.  Aren't they adorable?!
Facebook, friends, Thankfulness, Thanksgiving, things to be thankful for, 30 days to be thankful, Veteran's Day, USMC birthday, Marine Corp birthday
They are 1/2 Pomeranian and 1/2 Yorkie.

November 14, Day 14:  Thankful for freebies.  I love getting free samples and items in the mail.  
November 15, Day 15:  Thankful for Hostess and particularly to Twinkies.  Okay, this may seem silly but Hostess has been around for a long time and I love their products.  Say what you may about "Twinkies" but I love 'em and I ain't ashamed.  ;-)
November 16, Day 16:  Thankful for my home state of Oklahoma.  Today is Oklahoma's birthday, so to speak. On this date in 1907, Oklahoma became the 46th State.
November 17, Day 17:  Thankful for Twinkies and the Hostess company for many years of great snacks.  Sad to see the end of the company....
November 18, Day 18:  Thankful for "Friends".  I loved the series and watch the DVD's of the series at least twice a week.  
November 19, Day 19:  Thankful for my sight.  I love being able to see my Husband's handsome face and my boys' smiles. 
November 20, Day 20:  Thankful for my hearing.  I love hearing my family say "I love you".  That is one of the sweetest sounds in the world.
November 21, Day 21:  Thankful for my ability to walk.  MS makes it where I can't walk some days but am very thankful for the days that I can still walk.
November 22, Day 22:  Thankful for Thanksgiving and all the good food we get to eat!
November 23, Day 23:  Thankful for the moon and stars.  We live in the country and we love to go out after dark and look up at the sky.  We can see millions of stars and it is just so beautiful and peaceful. 
November 24, Day 24:  Thankful for my husband who turned 46 today.  I love you, babe!  Thank you so much for loving me too.
30 days to be thankful, a month of Thankfulness,

November 25, Day 25:  Thankful for Coffee & Iced tea.  Two beverages that would be really hard to live without!
November 26, Day 26:
November 27, Day 27:
November 28, Day 28:
November 29,  Day 29:
November 30, Day 30:  Thankful for my "followers".  You all really brighten my day with your comments.  I love ya all!

I will update each day and share with you all what I am thankful each day in November and I encourage you to count your blessings too!

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Farm Life

     Just wanted to share some pictures with you of our pig "Pork Chop".  He has gotten BIG!  From snout to his rump, he is about 5 feet long.  I wish pics would show how really big he is but these will have to do.  We had planned on taking him to the butcher this week but just found out that they are not taking any more animals until January so we will fatten him up some more.

Farm life, butchering a hog, Pork Chop, chores

Farm life, butchering a hog, Pork Chop, chores

    Here is our dog, Sheera.  Sheera is so protective of our family and our property.  She has an invisible barrier and if any animal crosses it, she takes care of it.  Poor possums have trouble knowing where the boundary is so we get a lot of dead ones around here.  :-)
Farm life, butchering a hog, Pork Chop, chores

Farm life, butchering a hog, Pork Chop, chores

     Here is our 14 year old son doing some farm chores.  He loves to chop firewood.  Caught him in the act.
Farm life, butchering a hog, Pork Chop, chores

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Woodwife's Journal

Monday, November 5, 2012


    I just love Autumn, don't you?  Where I originally grew up, Autumn was really no big deal.  I lived in the city and the area was so flat you could see 100 miles in every direction.  But now, I live near the Ouchita Mountains and the Talimena Scenic Drive.  We have mountains all around us and we now live in the country and can enjoy the beauty of Autumn.
     I wanted you to see some of what I am enjoying right now.  Hope you enjoy!

Autumn, Fall leaves, pics of fall colors, Ouchita Mountains, Talimena Drive
My youngest son. 

Autumn, Fall leaves, pics of fall colors, Ouchita Mountains, Talimena Drive
My 14 year old son and my 8 year old son. 

Autumn, Fall leaves, pics of fall colors, Ouchita Mountains, Talimena Drive
I love the colors!

Autumn, Fall leaves, pics of fall colors, Ouchita Mountains, Talimena Drive
Shades of yellow and orange. 

Autumn, Fall leaves, pics of fall colors, Ouchita Mountains, Talimena Drive
These trees and bushes make great backdrops.

Autumn, Fall leaves, pics of fall colors, Ouchita Mountains, Talimena Drive, old trees
Okay, maybe not fall colors but I love this old tree.  It is my favorite tree on our property.

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“A” is for Autism, Color Block Painting by Autistic Painter

         This is a painting by my youngest son who is 100% disabled caused due to autism.  He does many different styles of painting, but hi...