Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Reserved for company? Not at my house (not anymore)

    I often hear friends and family talking about their "good china" or "good towels".  Things that they reserve only for company.  Why is this so?  Why not give your family the best you have to offer and offer the guests the ordinary things?
     I caught myself the other day when I was making my family Tater Tot casserole that I made it with the best ingredients but I just threw the tater tots on top.  When I am making it for a pot luck or for guests, I carefully place the tots all uniform on top so it looks pretty.  My reasoning is because my family truly doesn't care what it looks like as long as it tastes good.  They know I love them but it got me to thinking, why shouldn't they get the best.  They are the ones I love the most.
    So, in honor of my family, I made them this chocolate cake.  The cake I usually only make for fancy dinner parties.  It not only looks pretty it is very decadent.
decadent chocolate cake, recipe, recipes, fancy cake, beautiful cake

decadent chocolate cake, recipe, recipes, fancy cake, beautiful cake

decadent chocolate cake, recipe, recipes, fancy cake, beautiful cake

    Why not do something special for your loved ones tonight?  Serve grilled cheese off your fine china perhaps!

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  1. Amen! I agree that we should treat our loved ones best! Most of the time, we actually treat (and speak to) strangers a lot nicer than we do our own family! Please and thank you go a long way at my house and if I had fine china, we would use it regularly! And that cake looks delicious! :)

    1. I know what you mean. I do not have fine china either. Thanks for dropping by and hope you'll do so again sometime!

  2. That cake looks amazing. Recipe?!

    We don't really have any fine china, but i agree with the sentiment of this post. Special stuff is for using, not just stashing away

    1. Debs, thanks for stopping by. I will post the recipe for this cake real soon. In probably about a week.

  3. That looks delicious! I do try and use my nicer dishes every so often, but I need to make the "fancy" meals for my family more often! They certainly deserve it! :)

    1. Lisa, thank you for the comments and for stopping by!

  4. So blessed to hear you make a conscious effort for your family. When I married I only wanted china dishes and not everyday ones because I knew if I had both, I would only use the china ones on special occasion as well. So for the past 14 years my family has only eaten off of china (and an occasional paper plate!) When guests come, they eat off of paper plates because I don't have enough china to go around! (Clean up is always much easier for a bigger crowd as well!) After all, our family is our first ministry! Great post and thanks for linking up to The Alabaster Jar.

    1. Jolene, thanks for sharing how you do things at your house. I love easy clean up!

  5. I've been trying to work on this too. This week we used our nice cloth napkins all week and I served dinner on the table instead of having everyone fill plates in the kitchen. My husband really enjoyed the difference. Every night was like a little holiday. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Mandi, it's the little things that do count. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I learned my lesson the hard way. I was in the Military and traveled all over the world and collected so many beautiful things. We put up all the beautiful China and Crystal and never did use them, saving them for that "special" occasion. Then my house burned to the ground with all my beautiful things inside. I vowed right then to never have anything that I would not use everyday. Why not use everything you have for the most precious people in your life, your family!

    1. Oh, I hate that you lost all of your items. That is so sad. That was exactly my point, your family is the most precious things you have so treat them well and treat them special! Hugs!


Five minute Bible lesson

     Here is a great five minute sermon/Bible lesson. It’s really informative and talks about how the book of God can be misused. Be sure to...