Monday, May 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Brandy!

    My daughter, my firstborn, well, her birthday is today, May 21st.  She is 22 years old today so I wanted to dedicate today's blog to her.  Hope you don't mind and hope you enjoy the photos.
birthday, happy birthday, Brandy Gravitt, Brandy Wiemer, Budgi, birthday celebrations
birthday, happy birthday, Brandy Gravitt, Brandy Wiemer, Budgi, birthday celebrations
One of my favorite pictures of her.  

birthday, happy birthday, Brandy Gravitt, Brandy Wiemer, Budgi, birthday celebrations
Guess you can tell that she is the one on the far left.  The one withOUT the  "x"ed out face!

birthday, happy birthday, Brandy Gravitt, Brandy Wiemer, Budgi, birthday celebrations

birthday, happy birthday, Brandy Gravitt, Brandy Wiemer, Budgi, birthday celebrations

birthday, happy birthday, Brandy Gravitt, Brandy Wiemer, Budgi, birthday celebrations
I think she looked adorable with glasses but she always hated them.

birthday, happy birthday, Brandy Gravitt, Brandy Wiemer, Budgi, birthday celebrations

birthday, happy birthday, Brandy Gravitt, Brandy Wiemer, Budgi, birthday celebrations

birthday, happy birthday, Brandy Gravitt, Brandy Wiemer, Budgi, birthday celebrations
Her wedding day!

birthday, happy birthday, Brandy Gravitt, Brandy Wiemer, Budgi, birthday celebrations
Got to love the black and white picture.

birthday, happy birthday, Brandy Gravitt, Brandy Wiemer, Budgi, birthday celebrations
Wedding collage.
birthday, happy birthday, Brandy Gravitt, Brandy Wiemer, Budgi, birthday celebrations
Pregnant with her 1st born. (She is currently pregnant with her 2nd baby.)

birthday, happy birthday, Brandy Gravitt, Brandy Wiemer, Budgi, birthday celebrations
Her husband, Seth, Sylvester the cat, Phineas, and Brandy.

   Happy 22nd birthday, Budgi!

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  1. Yay for birthdays! Happy birthday to her, hope this upcoming year is filled with growth in the Lord and many blessings.

    ~Nicole, Working Kansas Homemaker

    1. Nicole,
      Thank you. She reads my blog so hopefully she will see this. I enjoy linking up with you each week!


Five minute Bible lesson

     Here is a great five minute sermon/Bible lesson. It’s really informative and talks about how the book of God can be misused. Be sure to...