Thursday, November 9, 2017

Spiced Cranberry Apple Cider

      Whenever the air turns crisp and cool, I know it is time for me to start making this cool weather favorite.  Not only does it taste delicious but it also fills your home with fragrance that is better than any scented candle or oil.  It is perfect for parties and upcoming holidays.

Spiced Cranberry Apple Cider

64 oz. bottle of cranberry juice
64 oz. bottle of apple juice (or apple cider)
25 whole cloves
5 cinnamon sticks
1 lemon
1 lime
1 orange

       Turn your crock pot onto low.  Pour in the cranberry juice and the apple juice.  

Spiced apple cider, cranberry recipes, beverages you can cook in a crock pot, an easy drink recipe, beverage recipes for the holidays, how to make cider at home

   Slice your fruit into about 1/4" slices.  Place the fruit slices into the crock pot.  

Spiced apple cider, cranberry recipes, beverages you can cook in a crock pot, an easy drink recipe, beverage recipes for the holidays, how to make cider at home

     Pour in the cloves.  You can stick them into your fruit first but I don't.  They are easy enough to skim out later so I just add them in directly. 

Spiced apple cider, cranberry recipes, beverages you can cook in a crock pot, an easy drink recipe, beverage recipes for the holidays, how to make cider at home

       Give the contents a quick stir and place the lid on the crock pot.  Allow it to simmer all day.  It is ready to drink after 8 hours on low or 2 hours on high.  I personally think it tastes better after simmering all day.  Enjoy!
Spiced apple cider, cranberry recipes, beverages you can cook in a crock pot, an easy drink recipe, beverage recipes for the holidays, how to make cider at home

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