Saturday, January 28, 2017

Dehydrating Plantains

     Plantains look really similar to a banana but when ripe, a plantain looks like a blackened banana that is wider.  Plantains are usually eaten as a staple item (like we use a potato in America) instead of a snack or breakfast food.  They have less sugar content than bananas too and are rarely eaten raw or by themselves.

what is the difference between a banana and a plantain, how to use plantains, dehydrating plantains

            To dehydrate the plantains, first remove the peel.

what is the difference between a banana and a plantain, how to use plantains, dehydrating plantains

      Then slice the plantain to about 1/4" pieces.  Place the slices onto your dehydrator trays.

what is the difference between a banana and a plantain, how to use plantains, dehydrating plantains

       Dehydrate at 135 degrees for about 6 hours. 

     One way to use the dehydrated plantains is for long term preserving until you are ready to use them.  Packed into a mason jar, they are good for years.  When I am ready to use them, I just throw some in my trail mix for some extra carbs and flavor or you can rehydrate them by soaking them in hot water for 15 minutes. Once they are rehydrated, just use them as you would a fresh plantain.  One of my favorite ways to use them is to rehydrate them and then fry them in coconut oil with a bit of salt and they are so delicious.  Dried, they make a great go-to snack!  Finally, you can grind up the dried plantains and make them into a flour and use it to replace 1/4 of the flour in baked goods.

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  1. Ive never eaten a plantain but they look good

    1. Yes they are Carol but just do not expect them to taste like a banana.


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