Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Mail Order Chicks from Hoover's Hatchery

    Today in the mail we received 30 Red Ranger baby chicks from Hoover's Hatchery.  All 30 arrived alive and looking really healthy. We are so excited about these new little chicks and recommend Hoover's Hatchery if you are in the market for new chicks.

Red Ranger chicks, raising Red Rangers, Hoover's Hatchery, ordering chicks through the mail, mail order chicks, backyard chickens,
The chicks in their shipping box. 

       These sweet little guys are now resting comfortably in a nice large secure area in my home office.  They have fresh bedding, chick feed, a heat lamp and fresh water to help them get a good start in life.  We have added a bit of sugar to the water to help them get situated after the stressful trip but have great faith they will do well.
       We will be posting updates about these little guys.  They are supposed to have a high livability rate and be ready to dress in about 11 weeks.  We hear they taste remarkable too.  I'll let you know our verdict in the weeks to come!

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  1. Pretty! This has been an incredibly wonderful post.
    Thank you for providing this information.


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