Friday, August 10, 2012

How to Make a Ball

     For my son's birthday yesterday, we did a variety of fun activities.  One of the things we did was make a ball.  There were several requests on how to do this so I am sharing this today.

How to make a Ball

warm water
1/2 tsp. Borax
food coloring
1 T. glue
1 T. corn starch
2 bowls and a spoon

how to make a ball, science fun, science experiments, science stuff for kids, homeschool ideas,

   In the first bowl, pour 2 T. of warm water in it and then stir in the Borax powder.  Borax is in the laundry aisle of most stores.  I use it to make my own homemade laundry detergent and dishwasher detergent so I always have a box on hand.  Next stir in 1-2 drops of food coloring.  I have 2 boys so I used blue.  
     In the other bowl, pour the glue in.  I used just plain old Elmer's school glue.  Then add 1/2 tsp. of the borax solution (stuff you mixed up in the 1st bowl) and the cornstarch. Wait 15 seconds before stirring.  Once 15 seconds has passed, start stirring it up.  Once it becomes impossible to stir, pick it up and start rolling it around in your hands to shape into a ball.  At first it is really sticky but that will change quickly.  Once it is no longer super sticky, you can bounce it.  
how to make a ball, science fun, science experiments, science stuff for kids, homeschool ideas,

     This ball will not do any super high bouncing or anything but we got ours to bounce off the floor about 2 feet and then it would do a bunch of little bounces from one drop.  For a ball you make out of household items, we were pleased.   Once you are through playing with it, store it in a ziplock bag.  

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  1. Now that is neat! I never would have thought it could do that. New follower here. I found your blog over at the Naptime Review FB hop. Do you have a facebook page too? If you get a chance stop by my blog and my fb page please.

    1. Shelly,
      Went and followed you on FB. Glad we can help each other out!

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm a new follower...have a great weekend!

    1. April, thank you for stopping by! Have a great week!

  3. Hi Melody in Oklahoma! Thanks so much for following my blog and for the sweet comment! I just followed you too and can't wait to read all your entries! I hope you and your family have a good week.

    Little Rock, Arkansas

    1. Leslie, thank you so much for coming by. I hope you find a few things that interest you here.

  4. That's neat! I never would have thought of that. Happy (belated) Birthday to your son.

  5. My kids will love this! Found you on 1000+. Newest follower and would love a follow back. Off to check out more of your blog...

    1. Julia, I am following you too. Isn't it great? I love how it works and everyone helping each other out.

  6. Oh how neat! Thanks so much for following my blog; I'm happy to be your newest follower too!

    1. Lisa, thank you so much for stopping by and becoming a follower.

  7. Alexis, thank you for stopping by. I went to your page and followed you.

  8. Ooh, this sounds like a lot of fun! I just pinned it to do with my kids!

    1. Katie, thank you and extra thanks for pinning it. I hope you all have as much fun making it as we did!

  9. Looks like great fun!

    Thanks for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  10. Melody, I am looking for your recipe for dishwasher detergent ...can't seem to find it. LOVE your suggestions! Faye


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