Thursday, May 4, 2017

Dehydrating Ataulfo (Honey) Mango

Dehydrating mangoes, ataulfo mango, honey mango,

    There are several different varieties of mangoes but one of my favorites is the Honey Mango (or as some people call them, Ataulfo Mangoes).  The Honey Mango is in a class all its own in my opinion.  It has a great flavor and has a string-less flesh.  

       The honey mango has a very sweet and creamy taste.  It is almost a buttery taste and very robust.  Basically, it's just super yummy!  :-)  Dehydrated mango is great as a snack or use it in trail mix.  It is also great in salads or in a chutney.  
        To dehydrate it, wash well and then peel the mango.  Slice.  I slice them like shown and sometimes I just cut it into chunks.  I find they dehydrate better like this though.

Dehydrating mangoes, ataulfo mango, honey mango,

      Place on your dehydrator trays and dehydrate at 135 degrees for 12-14 hours.  Store in sealed mason jars. 

I also dehydrate limes and mix up Chicken and Rice Soup Mix-in-a-jar
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