Friday, April 28, 2017

My Youtube Channel

    I have a Youtube channel and I share lots of videos about life on our farm.  I share videos of our various farm animals (ducks, turkeys, quail, chickens, and goats).  Right now we have an abundance of new baby goats so there are a lot of real cute videos of the babies running and frolicking.  I also have a how-to video on how to properly hand milk a goat.  We have fun and would love for you to go and view our videos and if you like them, share them and give them a "thumbs up" and please, please, please subscribe to our youtube channel.  Thanks and God bless.
     Here is my Youtube channel.  Enjoy!

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Five minute Bible lesson

     Here is a great five minute sermon/Bible lesson. It’s really informative and talks about how the book of God can be misused. Be sure to...