It has been awhile since we did an update on the number of animals on our homestead. Many people believe we are just starting out because I mainly post about the baby animals but that is just because most people want to see babies and older animals just don't seem to be as interesting.
We have been on our homestead 6 years now and have slowly been building up our homestead as we go along. We don't have much spare money so we have to do it as we can.
We have the "normal" animals like cats and dogs but we have a variety of farm animals too.
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This is our only "house" dog....Whitney. | |
We also have 4 outside dogs which protect our homestead and animals.
Sheera is our main guard dog. |
This is Papi, my teenage son's Quaker Parrot. |
Homestead Animals
We just got 14 baby turkeys. We have 3 bronze broad breasted and 11 white broad breasted turkey poults. They are just 3 days old. We will keep a few to raise and the rest will go into the freezer when they are of butchering age.
Goats: We have a total of 7 goats and are getting one more next month. The seven goats we currently have are:
Casper, adult male Saanen goat.
Jessica, adult female Saanen goat.
Contessa, adult female Saanen/Nubian goat.
Chloe, adult female Boer/Pygmy goat
Brownie, adult female, pregnant Dwarf Fainting goat
Elsa, 10 week old female Saanen goat
Cooter, 5 week old male mini Saanen goat
Cooter |
Brownie |
We have 2 standard donkeys. Minnie and her son Jasper.
We have 19 Coturnix quail, 7 ducks (5 Pekin, a Welsh Harlequin and a Cayuga); 1 rabbit and 75 chickens. Chicken breeds that we have include: Red Rangers, Ameracaunas, Rhode Island Reds; Phoenix; Freedom Rangers, Buff Orpingtons, New Hampshire Reds, Barred Rocks; and Welsummer.
We have 2 creeks that run through the property, one pond and we have 3 wells. We have numerous fruit and nut trees and a massive garden. So, now you have it. :-)