Thursday, August 29, 2013

Refried Bean & Rice Burritos

   As I stated in yesterday's post, I cook a lot of beans and rice.  One way we utilize them is by making homemade burritos.  These taste sooo good and are easy to make.

Homemade Bean & Rice Burritos

Refried beans (Click on the name to find the recipe)
1 c. uncooked rice
1 serving taco seasoning (or 1 envelope)
10 tortillas

     You can either buy some refried beans or use my recipe.  If you use the recipe I have, there will be enough refried beans to make 10 decent sized burritos and enough left over for 3 servings of refried beans to eat as a side dish.

       Get a small pot and add 2 cups of water and add the uncooked rice to the water.  Bring it to a boil and then stir in the taco seasoning.  Turn the heat low, cover, and simmer for 15 minutes.  Once the rice is done, you are ready to put together your burritos. 
     For each burrito, spoon two spoonfuls of refried beans into the center of the tortilla, then the same amount of rice on top and then sprinkle it with cheese. 

How to make refried beans, bean and rice burritos, freezer meals, freezer cooking, bean burrito freezer

 Roll up and either heat and eat or wrap and foil and freeze.  We ate 5 of them and froze 5 of them.  
      To cook them, place them on a cookie sheet in a 350 degree preheated oven for 15 minutes. 

How to make refried beans, bean and rice burritos, freezer meals, freezer cooking, bean burrito freezer

    To freeze the burritos, just wrap each burrito in foil and then place in a freezer bag.  

How to make refried beans, bean and rice burritos, freezer meals, freezer cooking, bean burrito freezer
      To cook from a frozen state, cook in a 350 degree preheated oven for 20 minutes or microwave each one for 3 minutes.  

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  1. This looks great! What a good idea for dinner after a busy day! We make similar burrito's sometimes,except we usually fry them. I like the idea of making bean burrito's ahead of time and freezing them! Do you make flour tortillas?

    My husband and I just started a simple living blog. Check it out at


    1. Hi Michelle, thanks for dropping by. I do make my own flour tortillas but only during the winter time. I suffer from MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and the heat of the summer really affects it so I have to make some shortcuts. Once things cool down and I feel better, I do most things from scratch. I'm heading to your blog now!

  2. I am going to copy this down and try it for tomorrow night! :-) Thanks for linking it up with "Try a New Recipe Tuesday!"


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