Monday, May 13, 2013

Poor Bubba: Again!

   Bubba is my 15 year old son.  Bless his heart, he gets himself into such situations; hence, the title.  Again!  If you remember back a few months there was a post, "Poor Bubba" where he got himself stuck in mud up past his boots and could not get out.  Well, he's done it again!
     Bubba went out to do his chores and we faintly here him yelling for help.  We weren't too worried because this happens frequently.  The boy falls at least once EVERY SINGLE day.  He gets hurt on a daily basis.  I was the same way when I was younger.  Anyway...I go out to see what happened THIS time.  I walk around the house and then busted out laughing.  This is what I see:
clumsy teenage years, Life with the Gravitts, poor Bubba, locked in chicken coop, crazy antics, it could only happen to me
Inprisoned Bub!

  Yep, he's locked in one of the chicken coops.  Apparently, Jasper (the baby donkey) and his momma Minnie wanted to follow him in and eat some of the chicken feed so Bub closed the door behind him.  Jasper didn't appreciate it and locked him in.  See the wood piece there on the door, Jasper used his nose to turn it and locked Bub inside.  
clumsy teenage years, Life with the Gravitts, poor Bubba, locked in chicken coop, crazy antics, it could only happen to me

    Bub didn't appreciate me running to get the camera before releasing him but this moment HAD to be reported!
clumsy teenage years, Life with the Gravitts, poor Bubba, locked in chicken coop, crazy antics, it could only happen to me
The guilty party!

  So, how has your day been?


  1. Poor Bubba...but so funny! We've had similar experiences with our chicken coop.

    You mentioned that you like to do reviews...I have an ebook about preparing emergency food storage for frugal families. If you'd like to review it please let me know and I'll send you a copy.


    1. I would love to do a review of your ebook. Here is my email address:

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, it is never boring around here and just the way I like it!

  3. HA!! Sounds like me. I say "OUCH" about 10 times a day!
    Thanks for sharing at Tuesdays with a Twist!

    1. Mary, thanks for dropping by and allowing me to link up. This same boy just broke his thumb and wrist. Doubly ouch!


Five minute Bible lesson

     Here is a great five minute sermon/Bible lesson. It’s really informative and talks about how the book of God can be misused. Be sure to...