Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Super Easy Pumpkin Muffins

   For those of you who have limited time for meals, this one is for you.  These taste soooo good and are soooo easy. 


Super Easy Pumpkin Muffins

1 box Spice Cake
1 can 100% pumpkin
1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1/2 tsp. cloves

easy breakfast, Easy recipe, 2 ingredient recipes, breakfast ideas, breakfast recipe, pumpkin muffins, breakfast muffin recipe

   Preheat your oven to the temperature stated on the spice cake box.  In a large  bowl, mix the dry cake mix, spices, and pumpkin together.  You do not need to add any other ingredients.  Mix well and pour into sprayed muffin tins and bake. 

easy breakfast, Easy recipe, 2 ingredient recipes, breakfast ideas, breakfast recipe, pumpkin muffins, breakfast muffin recipe
Muffin tin
 Bake the muffins for the same temperature called for on the cake mix box for a cake.  That is it.  The taste so delicious and go great with a cup of coffee (or two). 

These muffins would go great with a cup of my Countrified French Vanilla Coffee.

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  1. How inspiring - and EASY! (my two favorite ingredients - LOL) What made you decide to add more spices? Was the flavoring not strong enough? Could I sprinkle some cinnamon and sugar over the top of the muffins before baking, or would that make it burn?

    1. Lori, I added more spices because they tasted too bland to me without them. Of course, I always add more cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves to pumpkin pie and pumpkin rolls than most people too. I guess it's just a preference of mine. Sprinkling some cinnamon and sugar over the top would be awesome I think!

  2. Followed you over from Fashion Hungry Mommy link up. This sounds great and easy! I love all things pumpkin!


    1. Jacquelyn, thanks! I do a blog link up on Mondays. Would love for you to join us. You can post up to 3 posts a week so hope to see you then!

  3. This is a great recipe, thank you! Thanks for linking up this past week. I'll have the new party up later this afternoon and would love to have you back! I'm going to be featuring your post today.

    Have a happy day,
    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  4. Oh, I forgot to tell you there's a "featured" button on my sidebar you can take if you'd like. :)

  5. These look super yummy! I'm pinning it to my "Yummy Pumpkin" board. :)

    1. Awesome! I appreciate that and thanks for dropping by too! We are hosting a giveaway so if you haven't joined yet, come sign up.


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