Monday, February 18, 2013

Mondays with Countrified Hicks #3

Don't forget to grab the "button" on the right hand side of the page.

   Last week I messed up and did not do the link up with photos.  Sorry for my mistake.  I am learning and hope I will get this all figured out soon.  We ended up with 58 link ups last week.  (Hoping to reach over 100 like the first week this week).  Anyway, the most clicked on entry last week was:

Front Line Moms and their post on The Top 10 things I want my Daughters to know about Boys
Yesterfood and their post on Oven Tacos

If your blog was featured, feel free to grab the "Featured" button below to share on your wall.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="FeaturedButton" width="125" height="125" /></a>


  1. I think your linky's code is wrong? Shoot me an email when it is up :-) Thanks, Linda

  2. thanks for hosting the linkup! :)

  3. Replies
    1. Katie, thanks for joining up and have a blessed week!

  4. Hi Melody
    Thank you for the invite! I appreciate it

  5. Thanks for the invite, Melody! I just added your linky to my party page so I can remember to come back every week!

  6. I'm all linked up! Thanks for the invite!!

  7. Thanks for hosting, Melody! I hope you had a great weekend. Many blessings, friend, Lisa :-)

    1. Lisa, thank you as always. You are a blessing to me!

  8. Thank you for inviting me! Looks like a great party!

  9. Think I'm too tired, I just linked up my post and put the wrong title in, linked up my post on Keeping Track in your Pantry and titled it Lentil Soup! lol Oh well enjoy!

    1. Nancy, no worries. I just appreciate you linking up!

  10. Thanks for hosting, Countrified Hicks!! Thanks for visiting!!

  11. Hi Melody!

    Thanks for hosting another great party! I want to encourage you not to get bummed out about having less at your party last week than the first week. You put a lot of work into advertising that first week---I saw your comments all over the place inviting people to your new party. Realistically, you're not going to be able to do that every week as you'll spend way too much time and come to resent your blog. I've been hosting my link party for a year or so now and have found that I have a handful of those who always link up and then I have several that are hit and miss---whenever they remember. Something I've done that has increased traffic to my parties is to keep a separate contacts list in my email for people who have linked up. Whenever I have someone new link to my party, I put their email in that list. Each week when my linkup goes live, I send out a mass email to all those people, reminding them of the party. (I make sure to use BCC so I'm not sharing their email addresses with everyone). I add a note at the bottom each week letting them know that they're receiving the email because they linked up and they just need to let me know if they want me to take them off the list. Many people have thanked me for the reminder and I've only had a couple that have asked to be removed. For myself, I add parties to my linky party tab to help me remember each week---and your party is there!

    Hope you have a great day! I'm hosting my Homemaking Linkup Weekend and would love to have you join, if you haven't already!

    1. Sarah, thank you so much for taking the time to write me. It meant a lot. I did what you recommended and set up an email list so I can send it out to people. You're right, it does take so much time and we all have families and lives that must come first.

  12. Hi Melody! Just wanted to let you that I'd love if you'd come join my How To Tuesday link party, too. :)

    1. Katie, thank you for linking up. Heading to your party now!

  13. Thanks for the invite & thank-you for hosting!

    1. Brenda, so glad you took me up on the invitation and linked up!

  14. Hi, I don't see the link up option. Am I just missing it or did the party end already?

    1. It wasn't supposed to. UGH! Sorry and please come join up next week.

  15. Thanks so much for the invite! I'm not seeing where to submit my entry, though. :( I'll check again tomorrow!

    1. Lynda, it was down temporarily but it is there now so come back and link up. Thanks!

  16. Thanks for hosting....this is my first link up can someone please help me figure out how to change it so my name is not showing up as the title but instead showing the title of the post. Thanks new to blogging and trying to figure out all the technical things.

    1. Jennifer, no worries. I fixed it for you. Been there and done that. :-)

  17. Amy, I have the issue fixed so please come back and link up. :-)

  18. Hi, Amy. No it is not too late. I had some issues but they are fixed for now (crossing fingers). ;-)


Five minute Bible lesson

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