Thursday, February 7, 2013

Root Cellar

    I have been wanting a root cellar FOREVER.  One of our chest deep freezes went kaput awhile back so my hubby stripped it of its motor, etc. and set to work giving me a make-shift root cellar.  I am so happy.

How to build a root cellar, root cellar out of deep freeze, storing vegetables, prepper, prepping, pioneer ways, a pioneer woman, country living,
Here is the chest deep freeze before burial. 

How to build a root cellar, root cellar out of deep freeze, storing vegetables, prepper, prepping, pioneer ways, a pioneer woman, country living,
Breaking ground...

How to build a root cellar, root cellar out of deep freeze, storing vegetables, prepper, prepping, pioneer ways, a pioneer woman, country living,

How to build a root cellar, root cellar out of deep freeze, storing vegetables, prepper, prepping, pioneer ways, a pioneer woman, country living,
My 15 year old son who helped dig the hole. 

How to build a root cellar, root cellar out of deep freeze, storing vegetables, prepper, prepping, pioneer ways, a pioneer woman, country living,
My hubby:  the brains and brawn of this project!

   So, that's it.  It is done.  The average temperature inside it is between 52-55 degrees.  Right now I am keeping some potatoes and carrots in there.

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  1. What a great idea! How long did it take to dig and bury it? I can't wait until Hubby is out of the Navy so we can get a house and have a yard. I have so many ideas and things I want to do- again, this is a great one :)

    I wanted to invite you to join in our weekly Meet & Greet Blog Hop! It runs Friday nights through the end of Monday. Come stop by if you have time this weekend :)

    1. Laurie, He and my 15 year old son did it in the span of an afternoon. I believe it took them 2 hours from start-to-finish. I put you on my link up list to visit on Friday. I appreciate your inivite!

  2. What a cool idea! I actually have never heard of a root cellar...I guess I have to go learn about that lol!!!

    Love your blog sweets!

    1. Angell, thanks for dropping by. A root cellar is a great way to keep things cool and dry. You can store potatoes, carrots, onions, etc. in there for a LONG time.

  3. How creative! I passed your tip along to my hubby. We live in the suburbs but have some property out in the country, so your idea might work well for us.

    1. Donna, thanks for your comments and for dropping by. I appreciate you!

  4. What a great idea. I would never have thought of it. I miss our root cellar and large storage room. Our new house doesn't allow for much storage or even canning and freezing. Something I will have to think about this year.

    1. Michelle, I really love how it is working out. So well, in fact, I am going to have my hubby bury 2 more for even more storage!

  5. I wonder how cool it would stay during a Texas summer? (where I am at) ;)
    Have you had it during a summer yet?

    1. Charity, we are in SE Oklahoma and it has been a hot one. We ended up moving ours and putting it in the side of a hill. Once we did that, the temps hovered between 55 and 60. Perfect for our root veggies, etc.

  6. Wow, that is really awesome! I'm so new to this stuff...impressive!

    Thanks or linking up!

    Mrs. Sarah Coller

    1. Mrs. Sarah, so glad you stopped by. I love repurposing products for new uses and this one works great!

  7. Love this idea. Will be showing it to my husband.


Five minute Bible lesson

     Here is a great five minute sermon/Bible lesson. It’s really informative and talks about how the book of God can be misused. Be sure to...