Monday, October 1, 2012

Making your Own Instant Oatmeal Packets


      My family loves oatmeal but they don't like to wait on it.  They like convenience.  I hate buying the boxes with 6-12 packets in them for $3-$4.00, especially when my hubby or boys eat 2 packets at a time.  Here is how you can make simple and quick Instant Oatmeal packets for your family.

Instant Oatmeal Packets
For each packet you will need: 
1 Snack-sized baggie
3 tsp. of brown sugar or 2 packet of sweetener
a pinch of salt
2 tsp. Instant powdered milk
2/3 c. Quick oats
1 tsp. Cinnamon

    Using the above ingredients, will pack a double packet (what my family generally eats per sitting).  

Instant oatmeal packets, how to make your own oatmeal, frugal living tips, frugal recipe,
The ingredients you will need. 

If your family normally gets full on a single packet, then just use 1 1/2 tsp. of brown sugar or 1 sweetener, 1 tsp. of powdered milk, 1/2 c. Quick oats and 1/2 tsp. cinnamon and just 1/3 c. hot water.  

    I begin by writing on one side of the baggie the directions: "Pour contents of baggie into a bowl.  Add 2/3 c. hot-to-boiling water and stir.  Let sit for 1 minute".  On the other side of the baggie, I just put the flavor combo:  "Cinnamon and sweetener".  You can add in raisins or other items to suit your taste.  
Instant oatmeal packets, how to make your own oatmeal, frugal living tips, frugal recipe,
Here are the completed packets. 

NOTE:  If your family normally gets full on a single packet, then just use 1 1/2 tsp. of brown sugar or 1 sweetener, 1 tsp. of powdered milk, 1/2 c. Quick oats and 1/2 tsp. cinnamon and just 1/3 c. hot water.  

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  1. I HATE oatmeal with a passion but will eat it when I have had a migraine for several days or I am working night shift. I mix it 50/50 with applesauce and I can't eat an entire pack. I might try mixing up half packs. Thanks for sharing.

    My problem with the prepackaged stuff is that they put artificial sweeteners in so many of them. Hate that stuff, too.

    Btw, I have three sons and none of them can stand hot cereal, either.

    1. Mary,
      Every family likes different things. I appreciate your comments and for stopping by.

  2. This sounds so good! I just wrote it down and look forward to trying it for my family. :-)

  3. I agree: it sounds like comfort food! thanks for sharing over at Deep Roots At Home!

    1. Jacqueline, I appreciate you allowing me to link up with you yet again. :-)

  4. Thanks for sharing this. I will definitely try this. We are storing food for emergency this might work for that. Thanks again!

    1. Glad it my post proved helpful. Hope you'll stop by again!

  5. I've been doing this for a while, it's a lot cheaper and healthier.

  6. I just made these for the first time. I got 16 1/2 of the double packets out of a large container of quick oats. My two year old and I tasted the small packet it and it was wonderful!!!! I am so excited.

  7. love this idea would be great addition to my B.O.B. thanks so much think i will add some raisins and dried blueberries to ours

  8. Awesome thanks for this post, I live in Mennonite country in upstate ny. I love oatmeal to, but haven't been buying it for the same reason packets cost too much (and I don't like plain oatmeal). Glad I found this gonna make a trip next time I go to town to the Mennonite bulk food store and buy these ingredients and start making my own oatmeal again.

    1. Jay, thanks for stopping by. Hope you like how they turned out!

  9. Girlie, I am all over this one! We normally doctor up our Oatmeal as a whole but this would allow the youngins some choices. Love it! -pinned it-!!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and for pinning this for me. :-)

  10. I buy prepacked for my hub and the little grands like it when they visit. I don't know why I never thought about making my own.

  11. I love oatmeal. I made the packs for a bit then stumbled on another easy method one morning. 1/4 cup whole oats, 1/4 cup water (a bit more for thinner oatmeal and if you add dried fruits), a splash or shake of something sweet (I make maple syrup so sometimes it's that or a few shakes of cinnamon-sugar out of that shaker), cut up dehydrated apples and into the microwave for 2 minutes. I stir halfway through and then finish off. Just remember equal amounts of whole rolled oats and water and then have fun with remaining ingredients. Enjoy!

  12. I do something similar only a mix up a huge master batch that I store in a large glass jar - I have eight children and one batch of baggies would be gone in one sitting. :) I post the instructions on the jar - how much mix and how much water. This works great for us.


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