Saturday, June 6, 2020

Monthly Update

    Gosh, I am sure glad May 2020 is over with.  It was a rough month for everyone and now with the civil unrest going on, June is not really off to a great start.  We all just need to continue to pray for our nation.  Pray for protection.  Pray for healing.  

    My health was not too good in May either.  Not really had any illnesses or anything but I just do not have the energy to be out of bed for more than a few hours a day.  I get up for about an hour or so in the morning and then about the same amount of time in the evenings.  With all of my medical problems and health issues (multiple sclerosis, heart failure, diabetes, etc.), my heart is having trouble pumping blood throughout my body and my feet and legs swell and my toes turn purple so I am following the doctor's orders and staying in bed as much as possible. 

  Since I have had to spend so much time in bed, I have not been able to do much blogging but will try to do better this month.  But on to the monthly update for the month of May.

     The most popular post for the month of May was my Homemade Au Jus Mix.  A mix to make delicious au jus right from the comfort of your own home.

monthly update, dehydrating aloe vera, making your own au jus, homemade au jus, bass guitar playing, breakfast rice pudding,
My homemade Au Jus

   My most popular Youtube video on my Youtube Channel for the month of May was actually a video of my oldest son (22) playing the bass guitar.  He started sharing videos of original songs and people are really responding well to them.  

   On Pinterest, my top board is my Dehydrating board. And the most pinned post was on Dehydrating Peeps. And currently trending right now is my Breakfast Rice Pudding! It is filling and delicious and very economical to make.

monthly update, dehydrating aloe vera, making your own au jus, homemade au jus, bass guitar playing, breakfast rice pudding,
Breakfast Rice Pudding

     My favorite post right now is Dehydrating Aloe Vera.  In the post I explain not only how I dehydrate Aloe Vera but why I dehydrate it. 

monthly update, dehydrating aloe vera, making your own au jus, homemade au jus, bass guitar playing, breakfast rice pudding,
Dehydrating Aloe Vera

   I'll be trying to blog more this month so be sure to check in regularly or even better yet, be sure to subscribe to my blog using the "subscribe" button at the top-right side of my page.

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“A” is for Autism, Color Block Painting by Autistic Painter

         This is a painting by my youngest son who is 100% disabled caused due to autism.  He does many different styles of painting, but hi...