Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Ducks Update

    Back in mid-March, we received some 3 day old ducklings in the mail from Chickens for Backyards.   Our first post showed off how cute the little guys were when they arrived.   The ducklings are almost 2 months old now (8 weeks old).  Thought you might enjoy seeing how much they have grown in such a short amount of time.
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3 days old

chickens for backyards, ducklings, raising ducks,

chickens for backyards, ducklings, raising ducks,

chickens for backyards, ducklings, raising ducks,
Look closely in the shadows, there is another duck there.  :-)

chickens for backyards, ducklings, raising ducks,

   Now, there are 3 different breeds shown.  Can you identify all three?

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  1. Your ducks still look cute. I do not know the the breeds. Please continue to share updates on the animals. Patricia

    1. Patricia, thanks for stopping by. So glad you are here.


Five minute Bible lesson

     Here is a great five minute sermon/Bible lesson. It’s really informative and talks about how the book of God can be misused. Be sure to...