Sunday, April 27, 2014

Vertical Tactical Foregrip

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

Vertical Tactical Foregrip, foregrip for AR-15, Aspen Ridge Sports
This is the extra battery compartment and a pressure switch cover.

Vertical Tactical Foregrip, foregrip for AR-15, Aspen Ridge Sports

Vertical Tactical Foregrip, foregrip for AR-15, Aspen Ridge Sports

Vertical Tactical Foregrip, foregrip for AR-15, Aspen Ridge Sports

   Aspen Ridge Sports sent me this foregrip to review and my hubby was so glad they did.  My hubby is an USMC veteran and loves his AR-15 but now with this new foregrip, he loves it even more.   As he likes to say, his AR-15 is not only tactical, it is also "tacti-cool".   :-)
    The foregrip was easy to attach and made his rifle more comfortable to hold and provided some stability.   Best part, it comes with a 5 year warranty.  This vertical foregrip is less than $20 and is well worth the price. It is solidly built and can be placed in 3 different positions.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


     We have some friends that love to go camping but really have nowhere to camp at so a few times a year we invite them out to our place and they camp out on the property.   We pitch a tent also and we all have a good time.   Hubby teaches people about how to build a campfire; how to skin and butcher wild life; etc. and our teenage son teaches foraging, plant identification and trapping.   Here are some pictures we want to share.

camping, DIY fire starters, camp out fun
Ronny blowing a bubble and visiting with my husband's best friend.

camping, DIY fire starters, camp out fun
Starting the fire with a prepared cotton round.
    In the above picture, my hubby is using one of the fire starters I make to make starting the camp fire a piece of cake.

camping, DIY fire starters, camp out fun
Kindling on the fire starter...

camping, DIY fire starters, camp out fun

camping, DIY fire starters, camp out fun
This is the tent we stay in.  It is really big and has two rooms.

camping, DIY fire starters, camp out fun
Easy way to keep toilet paper handy, use a wire coat hanger.

camping, DIY fire starters, camp out fun

Sunday, April 13, 2014

New Baby Goat on the Homestead

   Our Boer nanny finally had her baby.  She had only one on Wednesday, April 9, 2014 but luckily, it was a girl.  We have named her "Chloe".

baby Boer goat, birth of baby goat,
This was taken minutes after her birth.  

baby Boer goat, birth of baby goat,
Bo is cleaning her off and Chloe is still trying to figure out how to stand.

baby Boer goat, birth of baby goat,
First feeding.  Getting in that good colostrum.

baby Boer goat, birth of baby goat,
5 hours after being born.

baby Boer goat, birth of baby goat,
She's enjoying the sunshine.

baby Boer goat, birth of baby goat,
She's got the hang of standing now.  :-)

Short, short video of the baby calling for her momma
Here is a updated post on Chloe at 2 1/2 months old:  Update on Chloe.

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Friday, April 11, 2014

Two Year Blog Anniversary

    Yahoo!  We made it.  Today marks the 2nd year anniversary for Countrified Hicks.  Can you believe it? I am so please you stuck by me for 2 years and if you are new to my blog, hope you stay awhile and have a look around.
   In the past years, I have shared nearly 100 recipes with you, numerous posts and videos on frugal living, as well as posts on how to dehydrate and can; farm living; and homeschooling.  I have completed over 260 blog posts, meaning I average a new post about once every 3 days.
      In the past two years, no post has received nearly as many page views or comments as the post on frugal living on how our Family of 4 live off of $1300 a month. That post alone generated over 65,000 page views!
     Other popular posts over frugal living include:
   Video blog #2 and doing laundry country style.
     As far as recipes go, my post clicked upon and pinned recipe is How to make homemade bread in one hour with nearly 10,000 page views.
How to grow fodder for your farm animals, biscuits and chocolate gravy, homemade bread in one hour, prepping, survival bucket, cache bucket, french toast casserole
One of the loaves of bread that I made.

   Other popular posts of my recipes include:
French Toast Casserole and Homemade biscuits with Chocolate Gravy.

How to grow fodder for your farm animals, biscuits and chocolate gravy, homemade bread in one hour, prepping, survival bucket, cache bucket, french toast casserole
My French Toast Casserole
How to grow fodder for your farm animals, biscuits and chocolate gravy, homemade bread in one hour, prepping, survival bucket, cache bucket, french toast casserole

   Finally, to wrap things up, the most popular post on Farm Living would have to be on How to grow fodder for your animals and for prepping, How to set up a Cache Bucket.

How to grow fodder for your farm animals, biscuits and chocolate gravy, homemade bread in one hour, prepping, survival bucket, cache bucket, french toast casserole
The food items to go into a survival bucket.

How to grow fodder for your farm animals, biscuits and chocolate gravy, homemade bread in one hour, prepping, survival bucket, cache bucket, french toast casserole
Day 1-7 of fodder growth

   What has been your favorite post I have done these past two years?  What do you want to see more of?  

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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Heirloom Tomato Seed Giveaway

   Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company has graciously allowing me to hold a giveaway and the winner will receive an 8 pack of color tomatoes.  Here is a list of the seeds you will win if your name is chosen by Rafflecopter.
heirloom seeds, Baker Creek Heirloom Seed company, heirloom open pollinated tomato seeds
The 8 packets of seeds you have a chance to win

  1.     Tomato Great White
  2.     Tomato Copia
  3.     Tomato Dr. Carolyn
  4.     Tomato German Red Strawberry
  5.     Tomato Paul Robeson
  6.     Tomato Pink Oxheart
  7.     Tomato Emerald Evergreen
  8.     Tomato Dad's Sunset

   All of these seeds are open-pollinated heirloom seeds.  You can harvest the seeds from the plants and use them to grow more tomatoes in the following years.
     Baker Creek also gave me a set and I just planted mine and will update you all how they grow and produce for me.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

“A” is for Autism, Color Block Painting by Autistic Painter

         This is a painting by my youngest son who is 100% disabled caused due to autism.  He does many different styles of painting, but hi...