Thursday, October 4, 2012

Lemon Cake

    Well, there was great response to the 2 ingredient Apple Pie recently so I thought I'd share another 2 ingredient dessert.  This one is for a luscious Lemon Cake.  I know some people say this makes lemon bars but once you make it, you will see they are not bars, thus, I call it a "Lemon Cake".  Anyway....

2 ingredient recipes, angel food cake recipes, Easy recipe, how to make lemon cake, lemon bars, lemon cake

Lemon Cake
Angel Food Cake mix
1 can of Lemon pie filling

2 ingredient recipes, easy recipe, lemon cake, lemon bars, how to make lemon cake, angel food cake recipes,

   That's it.  Just pour the cake mix into a bowl and stir in the can of pie filling. 

 Mix well and pour into a greased 9 x 13 cake pan.  Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes.  

    I don't know about you but I like simple.  There are times that I really love to bake from scratch and pour all my love, time and talents into it but there are days I am tired and like being able to throw something together that tastes like you worked hard.  :-)

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  1. Another easy desert ,thank you

    1. Hazel,
      Yes, I am trying to post at least one simple dessert a week. If you haven't checked out the Lemon Cake, it is another 2 ingredient one.
      Thanks for stopping by,

  2. Loving these!!!

    I read your post yesterday about living off of $1,300 a month.

    We can only spend $350-$400 a month on groceries (we shop twice a month)

    I would LOVE to see your menu plans and how you keep your food budget so low. That would help me out a lot.

    1. Angell,
      I have a sample menu under the May posts on "Shopping". I have MS and when I cook, I cook in double batches and we eat one and freeze one so on my bad days, we can still eat something besides a sandwich.

  3. Hi Melody,

    I tried your Lemon cake recipe for supper last night. It was a keeper! It couldn't have been any easier, and we had a home baked treat. Thanks so much for sharing. Really looking forward to more of your simple recipes:)


    1. Thanks Tammy. I was trying to post at least one simple recipe a week but my health has not been the best lately and have neglected my blog. As soon as I recuperate a bit, I'll be back. Thank you for being such a loyal follower!

  4. Love lemon cake and love simple! I will try this and maybe post on my Feast on Fridays, with your permission. Blessings on you and all things lemon from sunny and warm Ca (82 today I may have to actually walk the dog..) sue

    1. Sue, I am glad you liked it. You may share this on your blog. :-) Glad you stopped by.


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