Wednesday, June 19, 2013

New Chicken Coop

   My hubby and 15 year old son spent last week building a new chicken pen and today they moved 11 of our layers into it.  They LOVED it!  Just thought you'd enjoy seeing some pictures...
Let's have some fun and see if you know your chickens.  Look at the pictures and see if you can "Name that chicken Breed".

name that chicken, chicken breeds, backyard chickens, country living

name that chicken, chicken breeds, backyard chickens, country living
Chicken "A" is the dark chicken on the left.  Chicken "B" is the red chicken in the back.

name that chicken, chicken breeds, backyard chickens, country living
Chicken "C"

name that chicken, chicken breeds, backyard chickens, country living
Chicken "D"

name that chicken, chicken breeds, backyard chickens, country living
Chicken "E"

name that chicken, chicken breeds, backyard chickens, country living
Chicken "F"

name that chicken, chicken breeds, backyard chickens, country living
Chicken "G" and Chicken "H"
  In a few days, I'll list each of the chicken breeds and see how my followers have done!

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  1. I have no idea who is what. I'm pretty sure my Daddy would have known. He had chickens as a kid.
    I have thought many time I would like to live on a farm and have some chickens, a cow and a couple
    pigs. BTW, Do you use your chickens for the eggs?

  2. Hmmmm, Lets see

    A. Barred Rock
    B. Sex link or Production Red(white leghorn and Rhode Island Red cross)
    C.Barred Rock
    D. Looks like a Blue Maran from the photo
    E.Sex Link
    F.Rhode Island Red
    G. Sex Link
    H. Rhode Island Red

  3. B. and E. look like Red and Golden comets respectively.

  4. A. Not sure
    B. Red Star
    C. Barred Rock
    D. Blue Laced Wyandotte
    E. New Hampshire Red
    F. Rhode Island Red
    G. Sex Link
    H. Red Star

    :-) fun guessing!

  5. Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week! Say goodbye to the grass in that new run. LOL! Have a great week!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick


Five minute Bible lesson

     Here is a great five minute sermon/Bible lesson. It’s really informative and talks about how the book of God can be misused. Be sure to...