Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easy Potato Biscuits

    Here is an easy recipe for "Potato Biscuits" some people call them "Potato Rolls" but they resemble more of a biscuit to me.  You can't taste the taters in them but the taters make them light and delicious.  Our family has these about once a week and they get eaten quickly around here.  Hope your family likes 'em as much as mine does.


Potato Biscuits
 2 c. baking mix
1/2 c. hot water
 1/3 c. water
1/3 c. instant potato flakes 
2 T. butter, softened
2 tsp. sugar


    In a bowl, mix together the potato flakes, sugar, margarine and hot water.
potato biscuits, potato rolls, easy biscuits, how to make biscuits, how to make light fluffy hot rolls,

    Stir gently then add in the water and Bisquick or my baking mix.

    Stir until it forms a dough and then turn it out onto a baking mix dusted table. 
potato biscuits, potato rolls, easy biscuits, how to make biscuits, how to make light fluffy hot rolls,

Knead 8-10 times and then pinch off some dough and roll into 12 balls.  Place on an ungreased cooking sheet and bake in a preheated 450 degree oven for 11 minutes.  

potato biscuits, potato rolls, easy biscuits, how to make biscuits, how to make light fluffy hot rolls,

    These Potato Biscuits go great with my Turkey Breast in the Crock Pot or the Perfect Crock Pot Complete Roast Dinner.  

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Monday, March 25, 2013

GIVEAWAY! My very 1st giveaway

    I am so excited to announce my very first giveaway and this giveaway is AWESOME.   Brinsea, the company who makes the Ovaview Egg Candler has graciously agreed to give away not 1, not 2, not 3 but SIX, yes 6, Ovaview Egg Candlers.

    Each one is over $45 so what are you waiting for?   Enter today.  JUST TO CLARIFY:  There will be SIX different winners and each winner will receive ONE of the candlers.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Mondays with Countrified Hicks #7

   Hi and welcome back.  We had a nice spring break but are ready to get this bad boy started.  How about you?  Before we get started, be sure to check out our store.  There are several really great specials going on and one in particular is AWESOME!  How about 2500 (yes, twenty-five HUNDRED) HEIRLOOM (non-GMO seeds) for less than $23.  Yep, that's right.  Click here to check them out!  Now, on to the link up!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Our Baby Nigerian Dwarf Goat

    We just got a new baby Nigerian Dwarf Goat.  He is about 9 weeks old and we have named him "Allen Buck Wankin" (yes, the kids helped name him, how'd you guess?).  We call him "Buck" or "Bucky".  He is just too precious.  We will be getting him a female in 2 months so in about a year, we'll be having babies of our own.  So excited for this newest adventure.  Did you know Nigerian goat milk is a very sweet milk and is one of the best for making cheeses and soap due to its high butterfat amount.  That means milk for our family, cheese, and soap.  We can also sell the babies for a profit and can butcher them for meat if we need/want to.   Anyway, here are some pictures and a short video for you to enjoy of him.

Nigerian, Nigerian dwarf goat, dwarf goats, mini goats, billie goats, goat cheese, goat milk
In my hubby's arms

Nigerian, Nigerian dwarf goat, dwarf goats, mini goats, billie goats, goat cheese, goat milk
Being held by my 15 year old son, Brandon

Nigerian, Nigerian dwarf goat, dwarf goats, mini goats, billie goats, goat cheese, goat milk
In his barrel with his heat lamp.

Nigerian, Nigerian dwarf goat, dwarf goats, mini goats, billie goats, goat cheese, goat milk
You can tell how tiny he is.  He's inside his 50 gallon barrel which is serving as his sleeping chambers for now.

Nigerian, Nigerian dwarf goat, dwarf goats, mini goats, billie goats, goat cheese, goat milk
Just waking up for the day.

Nigerian, Nigerian dwarf goat, dwarf goats, mini goats, billie goats, goat cheese, goat milk
Being held by my 8 year old son, Ronny.

Just a quick video of him "bleating" for his human momma, Me!  

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Another blog you might like:
The Chicken Chick

Monday, March 11, 2013

Mondays with Countrified Hicks #6

Hello and welcome! Last week we had 45 great entries. Thank you to each of you for linking up. I was amazed at what a great bunch of links we had. All were so interesting. If you missed out on them, be sure to go back to week #5 and visit each of them.  You won't regret it.

Also don't forget to visit OUR STORE for gardening, homeschooling, prepping and Kitchen items!

 The most clicked on links from last week were:

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Also don't forget to visit OUR STORE for gardening, homeschooling, prepping and Kitchen items!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Another walk through our Woods

    We got to experience another 70 degree day yesterday and took a walk around our property.  We have such great views and wanted to share the nice day with you all.

Country living, country life, walk in the country, homesteading, pioneer woman living, sustainability
Creek that runs behind our home.

Country living, country life, walk in the country, homesteading, pioneer woman living, sustainability
Small pond on our property. Love the sun peaking through the trees.

Country living, country life, walk in the country, homesteading, pioneer woman living, sustainability
Another view of the creek.  Lots of wildlife come down to drink here. 

Country living, country life, walk in the country, homesteading, pioneer woman living, sustainability
Just one of our views from our property.  That mountain/hill has lots of  hang gliders who jump from it.  It is neat to watch them soar around from our home. 

Country living, country life, walk in the country, homesteading, pioneer woman living, sustainability
Some of the woods on the property.  We have plenty of wooded areas  and have black bears , mountain lions, and deer, as well as, squirrels, opossums, rabbits, and racoons. 

Country living, country life, walk in the country, homesteading, pioneer woman living, sustainability
Our pond from a different angle.  The level is way down due to the drought.

    I love our homestead.  It is just perfect to us.  We have 3 wells, the creek that runs behind our home and a small pond.  Just to the east of our property is a large water shed with lots of good fishing in it.  We have fruit and nut trees and gardens and lots of wild life.  It is our little piece of heaven and we are very thankful for it.

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Monday, March 4, 2013

Mondays with Countrified Hicks #5

   Here are the most clicked on links from last week.

The domestic life stylist, stockpile no hoarder
The Domestic Life Stylist

Oh Mrs. Tucker, new grandparents
Oh Mrs. Tucker

And finally, Mary's Kitchen with the post "Foods to fight inflammation"
Mary's Kitchen, Foods to fight inflammation
Mary's Kitchen

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“A” is for Autism, Color Block Painting by Autistic Painter

         This is a painting by my youngest son who is 100% disabled caused due to autism.  He does many different styles of painting, but hi...