Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Bioscience Weight Loss Challenge

     I recently learned about Bioscience and their Weight loss challenge.   I am a BIG gal and have struggled with my weight my entire life.  I have tried lots of diets and even doctor prescribed medicines and plans and never really lose more than 2-3 pounds.  My body just won't release the fat.  I haven't dieted in YEARS because what is the use, right?  Well, I heard about this challenge and I was thinking "What do I have to lose?"  Nothing but weight, right.  So, after checking out the site, I decided to try the 30 Day Diet plan.  I liked the description of the product where they say they don't try to make you just eat cabbage soup or try to shame you into weight loss.  I really liked the fact that all the products are made here in the U.S. and are made at FDA inspected facilities.  My goal is to actually lose some weight.  I would be happy with a loss of 5 lbs. a month but would really like to lose at least 10 lbs. a month.  Wouldn't that be great?
     If you want to learn more about the company, it is Creative Bioscience.  If you would like to order the 30 day Diet Plan like I am going to try out, click here or here.
    Once I get the plan, I will let you all know and keep you posted on the results.  I am excited!

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  1. This sounds great!! I lost 25 pounds just exercising with T-Tapp. Not hard exercises to do...no rigorous jumping jacks and push-ups or running in place (UGH) or even weights. You should visit her website as movement really helps weight loss :-) Go for it!!

    1. Judith, I am physically handicapped and cannot do most exercises but I will check it out and see if there is anything I can do. I appreciate the tip and congrats on your weight loss.

  2. You go girl! I have also fought my weight all my life, too. I think my metabolism is non-existent! It is like it WANTS to gain weight. About 3 years ago, I lost 25 pounds, and then my doctor put me on 2 new meds for high blood pressure, and some of the side effects didn't do me any favors. The weight came back which was so discouraging. I had a blood test today at our local health fair through the hospital and when I get the results, I am going to take it to a nutritionist, who owns the health food store in town to see what he thinks. I talked to him about it the other day. He told me sometimes there is a reason for why our bodies are "behaving" the way they are. He may be able to help me, and he may not, but I am encouraged to know that there may be hope.
    God bless you on your journey. Will be here cheering you on:)

    1. Did you ever find out what could help you or what the nutritionist recommended? I would love to know. I take all kinds of medicines and they all hinder weight loss too.

  3. Low-fat yogurt is one of the best snacks that you can have when you are on a diet. Not only is this selection delicious, but you will have a large variety of flavors to choose from, increasing your level of convenience. Choose yogurt as your snack if you are on a diet.
    steps to weight loss

  4. Pretty cool! You may make a master list with all your goals in it. As you accomplish them, just check them out. Let’s improve our overall health and wellness together!


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