Wednesday, January 23, 2013

MS (Multiple Sclerosis), Not my Friend

  It has been a bit since I've written about my MS.  Main reason, it is just not a fun subject!  :-(  Besides, with the cooler weather, I had been experiencing a few months of relief but it has come back with a vengeance the past few days.  Some people's MS gets worse in the winter but mine usually improves.  We have experienced a really warm winter of late, today it is in the mid-60's here, so maybe that has triggered it.
      Yesterday I had the "freaking" out stuff.  All sensations and noises seemed to be amplified.  I was scared and had to have my hubby near me all day.  I get to the point that I am almost panicking and I hate that feeling because usually, I am such a strong person.
     Today, those feelings are better but I am having serious eye issues.  My right eye is just not cooperating with me.  It is seeming to "lag behind" the other eye.  It is having spasms and feels "saggy" too.  It is more annoying than anything.
    One of the hardest parts of MS is people just don't understand the disease.  Like when I am on edge, people tell me "it's okay, just relax" but it is not that simple.  Or they say "my friend (or aunt, etc.) had MS and they didn't have that symptom, are you sure you have MS?"  Yes, I am sure and so is the doctor.  :-)  MS has pages of symptoms and it is never the same for two people.  Depression is something that comes with it also and we have no control over the feelings we get.  Be sympathetic and supportive please.

    If you would like to read more about my MS, here is another post.

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  1. I can sympathize with your situation. I have a panic disorder and don't tell due to the comments about "just relax". It doesn't work like that. I had an episode the other night and needed my husband too. I am thankful for him. I hope this season passes quickly for you and you begin to feel better. My favorite verse I repeat over and over again when I am in that moment of fear is Psalm 34:4 if you are interested.

    1. Beth, thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement. That is a great verse. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I'm so sorry to hear you have MS. My stepbrother has MS as well and was diagnosed a few years ago. He is in his early 30s and it has been hard to see him deal with the effects of the disease. His symptoms are mostly physical and he can no longer walk on his own. He always has to have someone to assist him.

    I can't believe anyone would question if you have MS or not! That's crazy. Sorry for all the negativity out there and misconceptions of the disease. I'll keep you in my prayers :)

    (clicked over from Facebook!)

    1. Tammy, thank you so much for dropping by. I appreciate your kind words and your prayers. I will pray for your stepbrother as well.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear that you have MS. It must be quite a cross to carry. Have you heard of the GAPS diet? I'm doing the GAPS diet at the moment to heal some of my own autoimmune issues. It's a temporary therapeutic diet that is supposed to heal many digestive disorders, autoimmune diseases, skin and joint problems, mental health issues, and the list goes on. Sounds kind of crazy that a diet could heal such a wide range of things, but I encourage you to look into it. It has changed the lives of many.

    This is the link to the book:

    Hope you consider it! God bless.

    1. Kristin, thank you for the information. I will definitely look into it!

  4. I am so sorry to hear about your struggles with MS. I will keep you in my prayers.

    1. Thank you so very much. I really appreciate the comments and the prayers!

  5. I can relate in that I have fibromyalgia in addition to some other limiting conditions. And I too have always been the strong outgoing can do person. But things change, and I have had to work hard to learn to adapt and do the best I can in what I am able to do. Sounds like you do too! Prayers for good weather and good days! :)

    1. I have several follows that suffer from fibromyalgia. The diseases have a lot of similarities. I appreciate you stopping by!

  6. I am in school for holistic nutrition, and there is much evidence that gluten plays a role in autoimmune diseases. The book Wheat Belly is fantastic, and talks about all kinds of diseases that gluten can contribute to, including MS.

    1. Thank you. I respect your opinion very much and will check out that link and book soon. Thanks again.


Five minute Bible lesson

     Here is a great five minute sermon/Bible lesson. It’s really informative and talks about how the book of God can be misused. Be sure to...