Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Homemade Reeses

    This is one of my favorite candies to make.  My husband who despises real "Reeses" and can't stand peanut butter and chocolate together actually loves these too.  They are soooo good.

Homemade Reeses

                 2 sticks butter                   
1/3 box of graham crackers
1 lb. powdered sugar       
1 c. peanut butter
1 bag semi-sweet chocolate chips

    First melt the margarine in the microwave.  
Homemade candy recipe, homemade Reeses, peanut butter cups, how to make Reeses at home,  Christmas candy,

Open up the box of graham crackers and remove one package from the box.  

Homemade candy recipe, homemade Reeses, peanut butter cups, how to make Reeses at home,  Christmas candy,

Crush up the package of graham cracker into really small crumbs.  I usually do this before opening up the plastic.  Pour the crushed package into the bowl of melted margarine.  

Now get the peanut butter and measure out 1 cup and add it to the mixture.  

Homemade candy recipe, homemade Reeses, peanut butter cups, how to make Reeses at home,  Christmas candy,

I used creamy peanut butter this time but it is equally as good with crunchy peanut butter.

Now stir in the powdered sugar.  Here is what it looked like after adding it in. 

Homemade candy recipe, homemade Reeses, peanut butter cups, how to make Reeses at home,  Christmas candy,

But since we have to pat it down by hand, we added a bit more until it looked like this:

Homemade candy recipe, homemade Reeses, peanut butter cups, how to make Reeses at home,  Christmas candy,

Now, get out a cookie sheet and pour the mixture into it.  Wash and dry your hands and begin patting it down firmly like so....

Homemade candy recipe, homemade Reeses, peanut butter cups, how to make Reeses at home,  Christmas candy,
My husband patting it down...

In a clean and DRY bowl, pour in the chocolate chips. 

Homemade candy recipe, homemade Reeses, peanut butter cups, how to make Reeses at home,  Christmas candy,

 Melt the chips in the microwave in 30 second bursts for the first minute and then for 15 second intervals.  Stir in between times with a clean and DRY spoon.  Once they are all melted, pour on top of the graham cracker mixture and smooth it out with a spatula.

Homemade candy recipe, homemade Reeses, peanut butter cups, how to make Reeses at home,  Christmas candy,

 Set it in the refrigerator or freezer to harden.  We stick ours in the freezer for 30 minutes because it hardens faster which means we can eat it sooner.  :-)  Once the top has harden, cut into serving pieces and enjoy.

Homemade candy recipe, homemade Reeses, peanut butter cups, how to make Reeses at home,  Christmas candy,
The finished product.

     Any pieces not eaten right away, place in the refrigerator to enjoy later.

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  1. I make something similar called Reese Balls. Sometimes I put Rice Crispys in them and some times I don't. I have never tried graham crackers.

    I will have to give your version a shot because mine is a lot more work!

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Mary, I would love it if you would share your recipe for Reese balls. Would you like to do a guest post over it?

  2. I am soooo going to try and make this. Other than the chocolate chips, I buy everything else regularly.

    Who knows...maybe it will be a new Christmas treat...it sounds really good.

    1. Angell, thank you for stopping by and glad to hear you are going to try this recipe out. I am sure you will enjoy them.

  3. Mmm, so good! I'd have to find an alternative for the graham cracker thanks to Hubby's food allergies, but boy, they look good!

    1. Elise, hopefully you can find a substitute. I know our family really loves these. Thanks for stopping by~

  4. I just finished making this recipe and was wondering if you can freeze it .

  5. yummy! pinning - I'd love to have you come link up with Kids in the Kitchen on www.adventurezinchildrearing.com

    1. Kelli, thank you for stopping by. I went to your blog and linked up and followed you. I hope you will return the favor.

  6. Ohhhh - I am SOOOOO making these this year. WE don't have graham crackers - but we have tea biscuits and that would probably be similar. I'm pinning this so I can find it easily again. Stopping by from Cornerstone Connections. Blessings from Croatia: Rosilind from A Little R & R: www.littlerandr.org

    1. Rosalind, thank you for dropping by. I went to your blog and love your post about Christmas time. Great wisdom in your writing!

    2. Thank you for stopping by. And thank you for being so encouraging!

  7. Hi Melody! These look delicious and I bet they would make a great gift. I just made a linkup for homemade holiday gifts and I would love it if you'd add your post! Happy holidays! http://www.everblossom.net/2012/12/homemade-holiday-gifts-link-up-your.html

    1. Kylie, thank you for stopping by. I went to your blog and did your link up. I appreciate you letting me know about it!

  8. Oh...my....goodness! Reese's are my favorite! I will definitely make these!!!! Thanks!

    1. Tonya, if you like Reese's than you will LOVE these. They are so good! :-)

  9. Reese's are my favorite treat, so I hope you'll link up at our Holiday Cookie Recipe Swap, going on now through next Tuesday: http://thedomesticatedprincess.blogspot.com/2012/12/holiday-cookie-recipe-swap-week-4.html

    1. Bonny, thank you for stopping by. I will link up with you for sure on Tuesday. Thanks for letting me know about it!

  10. Hi Melody!I really love your post! These look so yummy! I think our readers would really enjoy reading this. We would love for you to come share it at Seasonal Celebration and really hope that you will put Seasonal Celebration on your list of carnivals to visit and link to us every Wednesday!
    Rebecca x

    1. Rebecca, thank you for stopping by and for your comments. I am looking forward to linking up with you each week from now on. Thank you for the invitation!

  11. Oh my.. these look so yum!Will have to give this a try!

    1. So glad you like the post. Hope to see you around again!

  12. Yummo! Thanks for sharing at the link up!

  13. Wonderful! My husband LOVES Reese's, so this will be perfect for him for Valentines... :)

    Thanks for sharing!

    hugs x

    1. Crystelle, I hope he likes them. Keep us posted and thanks for stopping by!

  14. These sound delicious! Thanks for sharing! Pinning ;)

    ~ Brenda @ChattingOverChocolate.blogspot.com

    1. Brenda, thank you and I appreciate you pinning it.

  15. Wow these look wonderful!!!! I LOVE Reese's, and have always wanted to try making them at home! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Maria, thank you. Hope you do try the recipe out and like them!

  16. Mmmm, these look AMAZING!! thanks for posting this, I've pinned to my yummies board for future reference :)

    1. Christine, they taste even better. lol I appreciate you stopping by and for pinning this too!

  17. This looks so good and so simple! Thanks for sharing!

  18. This looks super yummy! We would love it if you would link up at our new linky party: Two Girls and a Party Hosted by:
    Dana @ This Silly Girl's Life
    Parrish @ Life with the Crust Cut Off
    We hope to see you there!

    1. Heading your way now. Thanks for letting me know about your link up party. I will link up each week!

  19. Yum! I would love to have you join me as I kick off my brand new Creative HomeAcre Hop today at:

    1. I sure will. I already link up with your Wed. hop.

    2. Thanks for joining us on The Creative HomeAcre Hop!

      Always happy to see what you've been up to! :)

  20. Looks so yummy. I'm going to make this tonight if I have time. I have a feeling my family will eat all the left overs.

  21. Unlike your husband, I love Reese's! :) Thank you so much for sharing with Saturday Spotlight. Have a great week and come back soon!


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